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The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Today Was a Good Day

Here is my entry or The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Today Was a Good Day.  ENJOY!  Have a great weekend everyone.

This was the last time Chris and I went to the beach.  We had a fun day and everywhere we turned we were delighted by new sights and experiences. (click on photo to see larger views)

Here is the Mesh version. My response is I don’t like it.  As you can tell it doesn’t leave the photos as the size we crop them.  To crops the photos.  You can click on any photo to make the photo be screen size, but the resolution is not good.  I would have to save my photos at a much higher resolution and I don’t want to take up that much memory on my blog.

Qi (energy) hugs


65 replies »

  1. That DOES sound like an excellent day. Sometimes I wish I lived near a beach, but there just aren’t any beaches in the midwest. 😦


  2. What a lovely day you had. My challenge day involved some beach time as well… I wonder how many other perfect days will?

    Totally agree with you about mesh. Blech. I don’t know about the iPhone interface, but the Web version is useless. Draganddrop ordering is broke, and you can’t caption images. Wasted an hour of my time trying to create one.


  3. What a fun day Cee! Love the bubbles and the seagulls.
    I tried out Mesh too, but gave up after several attempts and posted a gallery instead. I like the look of it inside your post, but have to agree about the resolution issue. Not quite sure I see the point either!


  4. I gave up on mesh too, Cee, and for different reasons. One it was far slower than setting up a gallery in WP normally, and two, it doesn’t allow captioning each photo in the desktop version.


  5. Thanks for the critique of the mesh gallery. I thought about using it, but felt too busy to learn something new. I don’t quite understand when they say in the description that you can share the gallery with anyone… Can’t you do that with the regular WP, just by sending someone the link to your page containing the gallery? I don’t understand the advantage.


  6. Great shots. I agree with your comments on the qualities of the Mesh version, the photos seem to have lost their life. I’ve had some reservations anyway in recent weeks about the quality of photos I’ve posted on WordPress not being as high def/res as the originals.


      • I only ever see my photos on a computer screen, but in Picasa (lately I should say) the definition has been better than it is on the WordPress screen. If you click on the photo itself on the WordPress screen, it reverts to its former high def. That wasn’t always the case, I’m fairly convinced. But as you say, Mesh isn’t for me.


  7. Lovely shots. The comparison of a gallery and Mesh is great. Thanks for taking the time to do both. I see that it is a iPone app too. I wonder if Automatic is trying to market products that could be used without having a WordPress blog? Have a great weekend.


  8. Beautiful images Cee. And thanks for sharing your experience with Mesh. Being slow to change myself, I went with single photos and the standard gallery this week but it was valuable to learn from (see) your experience.


  9. How fun! As much as I love my photos and sharing them, the ones of my daily life are the most fun to go back and look at later. They’re not high art, but they are my memories of a life well lived. Tell Chris I said hi.



    • She says hi back at you. It’s the ordinary that makes our lives happy. The extraordinary, like this day, is fun and memorable. I did a post today and just went through photos I liked. It was hard to chose from the tens of thousands that I have. I could have gone so many directions, but I kept it to fairly normal activities.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m not sure if I could mesh my photos. Sounds a bit challenging and I can understand why you didn’t like it, but your photos are still great. I do love that you included that last one with the bird’s feet in the sand 🙂


  11. I too like seeing all the photos at once. There is enough photography and blogging to learn every day Mesh is not where I want to put my attention. Thanks for reviewing it and saving me the headache.
    Love your beach day, complete with pie!!
    Happy weekend


  12. Wow! I read the challenge as allowing us to combine things from a lot of different days into a collage portraying a good day. I’m delighted that you actually saw all of these things in one day!


    • This post shows only about half of the magic day we had. Every time we turned we saw something else. Talk about a day that was inspiring. Thanks for commenting.


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