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January 7 – SquareUp – Walkup

After yesterday’s news about politics and extremists in the US and don’t forget about Covid 19, let’s all be gentle with ourselves and kind to our neighbors. If you can can manage a smile it’s guaranteed to uplift your day, even if only virtual through your blog or zoom calls.

Here is my entry for Becky’s for January SquareUp challenge. 

noun: walkup

a building allowing access to the upper floors by stairs only.

This first photo I took a little liberty. A walkup pharmacy window.

The second photo is more the exact meaning of walk up.

Here is my drumming feature for the day.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


22 replies »

  1. Hi Cee, I’ve heard the term, but it’s not one I use in everyday conversation, but neither are some of the up word I used in my post. LOL Are you starting a drumming series? I loved this one. The kids really got into it. When we went to Colonial Williamsburg for a teacher training, they teach you a little bit about African Drums and how the music is made. And it is so much fun – just like this video. 🙂

    I agree about the violence. I didn’t agree with the violence earlier in the year, but at least they had a cause. The smiles on the faces of the perpetrators tells the whole story for me. This was just a hoot for some of them. It’s not about a cause. It’s an excuse for extremely bad, criminal behavior. Other than prayer and prosecution, I’m at a loss on what we can do to stop this. You never know when, where or why the next mob will hit. Sorry to vent.


  2. I like the calmness in the bench photo
    And in my hometown here in South Africa, some people talk about a two-story house as an “upstairs”. so if their house is on the second floor, they will say: I live in an upstairs.


  3. I’ve not heard the word walkup either 🙂 great images, the sports ground box is a classic. Drumming was a bit short but in enthusiasm or fun


  4. Hi cee – I like your letters and at first I read “puck law” hahah
    But it is walk up on the side
    And your photos are cool
    The bench is sturdy and thin and the prescriptions sign felt retro

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Rioting and destruction are wrong, no matter the side or cause, and we’ve seen too much of it from everywhere between last year and the start of this one. People need to grow up! Makes me angry and ashamed of people.


    Liked by 1 person

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