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ABFriday – One Photo Focus March 6, 2015

It is the first Friday of he month and that means it is time for ABFriday’s One Photo Focus.  That is where everyone who participates and edits the same photo.  Each month there is a new photo from one of our regular participants.  This week the photo was taken by Loré Dombaj of Snow’s Fissures and Fractures.  Here is Loré’s photo that we are all suppose to edit or enhance.

I really like taking part in this challenge, because I get to edit someone’s photo.  I get to take a glimpse into the world of how someone else sees.  Then I get to create something that I can see.  It is a unique and fun experience.


Here is my analysis of Loré’s photo.  I really like it the photo.  With all the marble top round tables surrounding the statue it makes a very distinct geometric photo.  I did not care for the road in the background is to messy.  Although taking photos are stores and shops, this is a common occurrence to get stuff (noise) in the photo that you don’t want.  I like that Loré left it in because it allowed me to pick where I want to crop the photo without cropping out things that I wanted in the photo.

Here are a few of the steps I took to achieve my results.  I hope you like what I did with this photo.

  1. Cropped photo to get rid of most of the road and yet leave enough of the round tables to give the illusion of them being round.
  2. Instead of a 4×6 (photo standard) sized photo I used a square.  It plays with the geometric shapes.
  3. I unsaturated the background noise:  remaining street and bushes and trees in the background.
  4. Then I added a desaturated blue (making it more gray) on the table tops.  I wanted a contrast to the statue.
  5. Then I added a reddish-orange layer over the statue to pull out a different but still acceptable coloring.  It also blended in with the plants that were planted on the top.
  6. Added a little yellow layer to the plants to have it appear as if the sun was shining just a little brighter on the plants.


Qi (energy) hugs


44 replies »

  1. Cee, great way to use color to draw our eyes! I have to remember that desaturating is a wonderful alternative to blurring. I also really like the warmth of the statue and the coolness of the tables. Great lovely contrast and final image! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with us next month 😀


  2. I like the way you explain your changes and why! You really achieved what you set out to do. Great job!


  3. Nicely done. Your idea of going with a desaturated blue on the table tops was very creative and the desaturation of the street details was a great way to make them almost disappear without cropping the image was also a nice touch.


  4. Except for the yellow tint, our results and processes were nearly identical. I like your cloning out of the sign better than mine.

    That yellow tint to warm it up is an interesting idea. I didn’t do anything with warm tones, I went for the blues instead.

    Great job interpreting it! I’m so glad you got me hooked into this.



  5. Great use of layers to create contrast with the colours, it gives a really nice overall tone to the image. I like the square crop, its not something I had thought of, it works really well. 🙂


  6. I like that you gave the statue a different hue than the rest of the photo. Cropping it makes a big difference too! Looking at all these before and after shots makes me realize I need to learn TONS about processing 🙂


    • All in due time. You will pick it up. I suggest just start by learning one little thing a week. And really learn it. That way you are more likely not to forget. I tend to try to learn too much at once and can’t remember a thing I did. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lol…me too! My brain goes on overload! I’m starting a one on one photography class tomorrow so I’m sure that will help.


  7. The warmth you brought to the image is very nice. Did you do your work in PS, LR or both? Or another app? I’m thinking since your talking of layers it’s PS.


  8. I like the idea of a different warmer coloured stone for the statue, nice concept 🙂


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