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Update …

First, off thanks so much for your tremendous support and well wishes, and prayers. I can feel each one of them.

It has been an extremely long couple of days. First off, Chris is doing better. She had emergency surgery due to an perforated ulcer in her stomach. Surgery went real well. She is out of Intensive Care and in a standard hospital bed. So the doctors are real pleased she is doing so well. It will be a long haul for her to recover since they had to remove nearly 1/3 of her stomach. She’ll be hospitalized at least another week.

Me, I am totally exhausted. I’ve been on the photo to her family and friends. That has kept me quite occupied. I’m mentally and physically exhausted. I’m not eating regularly and that is not good for a Type I diabetic. Although what I have been eating has been fairly good.

This morning, I’m having a hard to keeping a coherent thought in my head. What normally takes me a couple minutes, takes close to a half hour or longer, just because I can’t think and when I do, it’s all about Chris or the stuff I need to do get ready for her to come home. It’s staggering the list of things I need to do.

This is a time I really wish Long Covid didn’t exist. I can only do so much at a time which is extremely limited.

Enough babbling for now. I’m hoping to resume my challenges next week, but no guarantees. I’m trying to keep up my FOTD because it just takes a minute or two to find an archived photo. I hope you enjoy my flowers for a few days longer.

For the Love of Challenges

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


66 replies »

  1. Glad to hear Chris is doing well. I hope you are able to relax a little an focus some time for your own health. It is so hard when those we care about are hurting, we easily put our own care further down the list of things to do. Best wishes for both of you!


  2. Take care of yourself, Cee, and do not continue with obligations just because you consider them to be obligations. Taking care of yourself first is so important. Remember that without you, there will be no care for Chris and use that as a reason. Drop the internet stuff. It will be there when you get back. Best wishes to you both. xo J


    • The flower a day keeps me occupied, plus I have thousands upon thousands to choose from. I think this week, I’m going to put up my other challenges. I’m not really planning on do much else. I need to keep my mind occupied now that I know she is on the mend. You are allowed to yell at me any time though.


  3. Cee I am glad to hear Chris is doing well following her surgery. I wish both her and you a speedy recovery. Take it one step at a time. In the mean time I will be doing my best to refrain from rendering someone horizontal when they thoughtlessly say now that we are mostly past covid…


  4. Sending lots of love to you both, just take care of each other first and foremost and everything else will come back in time ❤


  5. Hi, Cee; I was very sorry to hear that Chris was in the ICU, but relieved she is recovering well. Sending my best wishes for a full recovery for Chris, and that you are able to get some time to rest and recover, as well.


  6. Thanks for the update, Cee. I am glad to hear that Chris came through surgery OK. It must all seem very overwhelming. Do you have any family or friends who could pitch in for a week or two to take the strain?
    Anyway, do look after yourself and get back into blogging routine when you feel ready.Your flowers are always lovely.
    Love to you both.


    • There are a couple people who are willing to help when I need it. I personally don’t have anyone to help support me. And tonight (almost 4 am here), I’m just terrified and not sleeping. Reading your comment helped. Thanks Vanda.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Sending prayers and thoughts for you and your family, glad to hear the update and hopefully you can also catch up on rest soon, we’ll all still be here if you decide to take intermittent break!


  8. Hi Cee, I am glad to know that Chris is doing so much better. My husband was in ICU for 14 days from 4 January this year so I know how stressful it is. I also know how hard it is to look after yourself and eat properly so keep trying. It is important. Sending prayers your way.


  9. So glad to hear that Chris is doing well & will be back home fairly soon 👏 Take care of yourself, Cee & don’t rush back to your challenges too soon; keep your strength up for the two of you!!! More hugz from Susan & I 🤗


  10. I hope Chris continues to do well. If you haven’t already, you may want to talk with a case manager or discharge planner at the hospital to see if there’s a possibility of home health when she gets home to help you out a bit. Take care of yourself!!


  11. Glad Chris is in good hands and on the mend. Take time for yourself, so you’ll have some reserves when Chris is back home.
    Love your flower photo. Here’s a funny (hope it’s not to early for a laugh to cheer you up a little)
    If all the cars in the country were pink, it would be a pink car-nation! 🙂 ❤


  12. So good to hear that Chris is on the mend. Do relax a bit and gather your strength. Yes, taking care of a patient fresh from the hospital is exhausting. I know. It will take time, Best wishes to you both.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Forget the blogging for now unless it’s a welcome distraction. Do the bare minimum so you can have a little energy left for when Chris comes home. You’ve both had it really tough. Just take strength from all the love and concern for you being shown here in these comments xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  14. We’re all with you both! We can wait for challenges, while you deal with this real life one.
    Listen to your body and trust that you can do what you can, with the resources you have, at any given moment. Xx


  15. I’ve been trying to take the easy way and just like what Jo said but “likes” work as good as pingbacks do a the moment … I’m just thinking the pingback has been on the fritz since you left … maybe they’ll work again when you come back. ❗ Hey, no pressure!!

    Seriously though. Take all the time you need. You are being missed but we don’t begrudge you the time you need, and Chris needs. Be well!

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Thanks for the update. Take time to care for you and Chris and get back to your blog whenever. We’ll wait patiently for you both.


  17. Forget the blog, sweetheart, and concentrate on you and Chris. But I know it’s sometimes a welcome diversion from the ‘things to do’. So much easier when there are 2 of you to do it. You’ll get through this, hon. Just take it one step at a time.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Thinking of you both. I’m glad you realize that the most important things you can do are to eat right and get enough rest. Without those you’ll be chasing your tail.
    Thanks for the update.


  19. Easy to say… but relax when you have those moments to yourself…. and most important, don’t try to get back to the normal timetable, let it happen in its own time. Bless and all good wishes 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Good to know that the surgery went well 🙂. I can understand how overwhelming the experience would’ve been for you. My suggestion – make a list of things you need to do on paper. Get them out of the head and you’ll feel a lot better. Then cross each item as you complete it! Take care Cee!

    Liked by 2 people

  21. A beautiful photo; I love the texture of the flower.
    Best wishes for continued healing for Chris and comfort and peace for you both! 💐🌺


  22. So good to hear Chris is out of intensive care Cee and that the doctors are so pleased. Wishing her a smooth and comfortable recovery and sending love and strength your way 💞💜💞

    Liked by 1 person

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