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FOTD – May 3 – Bearded Iris

Here is my link for my Pick Me Up for the day. Stay safe, healthy and happy.

NOTE:  From now on, I will only post a link on my FOTD post to see my Pick Me Up.  So if you want to receive a notice, please follow my Cee’s Chronic Illness Sisterhood blog.

I thought I’d post some flowers with some yellow since yellow is such a cheerful color.

I took this photo on May 11, 2008.

Don’t forget that my FOTD challenge accepts leaves and berries as well as flowers.

Feel free to post every day or when you you feel like it.  Please continue to post your entries on my daily post.  If you need more information here is a link to my FOTD page.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


40 replies »

    • I’ve always liked them. Sorry you don’t, iris season is upon me 😀 😀 Although I won’t be able to go to the gardens this year, so for new ones I only have what’s in my yard 😀


      • I don’t know why I don’t like them. My mother had irises and I don’t remember especially liking them even when I was a little girl. Maybe it is their hairy tongues. Your peonies make up for them, however!!! ;o)


        • LOL. It could be their “odor” (scent). It actually makes me sick. I have to go with allergy pills in me when I go to the iris fields and gardens.


          • I wonder if that is it? I’m so incredibly affected by plant odors but way back when I was little, no one considered allergiies. Perhaps it was prompted by the fact I felt sick around them. I am also affected by color. I was once in a room in the Pompideau Museum in Paris where I got so ill from the blue color that I had to close my eyes and be led out by my husband. Unfortunately that is the color the men painted the background of the new mural that runs around my house I kept telling them this, but they kept insisting it would change..until finally I had to have them repaint it. It made me absolutely hate my house. I couldn’t look at it! Sounds crazy, but. . .


            • I bought a dozen cut iris so I could photograph them (years ago). I carried them in the car the 40 minute drive home. Oh I was so sick and my arms were all broke out. So now I take lots of allergy pills before I go photograph them. And never but the ones we have and bring inside. They are selling cut iris this year, and I will probably get some just for the photo op, but they will be in the back of the car. Teehee

              Color can very much effect us. I’m sorry you have trouble with that blue. Your house is so colorful and beautiful 😀


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