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Cee is in the hospital

This is Chris typing. I haven’t done anything on WordPress is many years, so I hope I’m doing this correctly.

Cee fainted yesterday and was taken to the hospital. They are still running tests and monitoring her cardiac function to determine what happened. Hopefully it isn’t anything serious.

She did break her right forearm in the fall. Yes, of course she is right-handed, so she won’t be doing any fancy typing for a little while. It will be hunt and peck with her left hand.

I will post updates as I can.

For the Love of Challenges

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


115 replies »

  1. Chris and Cee, i’m so sorry to hear that. sending thoughts, strength, and good energy to you both. Thank you for all the positivity you both have passed to the blogging community over the years and still do even while Cee is recovering. I hope Cee will be okay and for a speedy recovery


  2. Sending lots of get well wishes to Cee and fingers crossed 🤞 they will find the reason for the fainting quickly and she will have a speedy recovery. Hugs 🫂 to you both.


  3. Thanks for letting us know, Chris. Give Cee our love and prayers. I’ll be coming to Portland probably Tuesday. My brother’s wife died last night, and I just found out so I’m on the computer now booking a flight. Talking to Terri, she just told me about Cee. I am so sorry. Tell her I’m going to massage my right arm for her. Lots of love to you both.


  4. I hope Cee feels better soon. She might try using a voice-to-type tool. In Word, there’s a “Dictate” option with a microphone icon in the tool bar. It’s not perfect, but it helps.


  5. Hello Chris – just heard about Cee’s injury. Please make sure she knows how many of us are thinking of her and sending get well messages. She and her blog are favorites for most anyone who loves photography.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks Chris for the update. I am sorry to hear that Cee is unwell. Give her my love. I hope she recovers soon. Take care of yourself too, hospitals are stressful for everyone.


  7. So sorry to hear this Chris and thank you so much for letting us know. Sending healing thoughts to Cee and hugs to you both 🌺


  8. I am so distressed to hear this. Life is getting weird. I just got out of the hospital. Garry is about to go in — followed by Owen a week later. I hope the doctors take the time to REALLY check even if it takes longer. I’m only alive because they took the time to really check everything. Lots of hugs from the Northeast.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh no!!! Thanks so much for letting us know. If there is anything we can do to help you with the blog, please let us know. We could just keep posting on today’s if Cee wants to keep it going. Damn. I am so sorry that she is having health problems. Give her a big hug for all of us.. but mind that broken arm. xooxox Judy


  10. You did a good job with the post, Chris! Hopefully it isn’t serious apart from the arm (which is bad enough) but you need to know why she fainted. Having just seen a brother in and out of a hospital incident I feel for you and wish you both the very best.


  11. Oh Chris, thank you for letting us know. I’ll be another who’s thinking of you both. As much as we might want updates, you do what you need to do and we can wait.


  12. Thank you for updating us, Chris. Please let her know that we are thinking of her, wishing her a speedy recovery and keeping you both in our prayers.


  13. Oh that is scary! Thank you, Chris, for letting us know. I’ll be thinking and sending good thoughts that Cee will be feeling better and be back home soon.


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