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RDP Thursday – Distorted Wide Angle Style

Here is my entry for RDP Thursday Distorted challenge.

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, I really don’t like the look of things being distorted or out of alignment. I like some of the effects, it just doesn’t fit my own personality. Chris loves using her wide angle lenses. I’ve played with them as well, I just don’t like the distortion for the most part.

Which photo do your prefer? Note: There are no right or wrong answers. We all have our own personality.

This photo is straight out of a camera with a wide angle lens. The horse statue is wonderful, but the background is distorted. It is a cool photo, just not my style.

So this next photo is the same photo just straightened out the wide angle effect. I lost a lot in the background.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


24 replies »

  1. I prefer the first one! Idk, it just looks cooler, probably because the subject (that horse thing) doesn’t interest me much… I guess it depends. I admit I didn’t know there was such a thing as distortion in photography until this post. I’ve been taking pictures for some years but never heard of it. You learn things every day…


  2. I like the second one best, but probably would not have noticed if you hadn’t mentioned it! What bothers me when I look at an image is when something is right smack in the middle cutting the image in half, the second one is not like that the pole is off to the left which makes a better image in my opinion.


  3. If you zoom in there is little to no distortion depending on the focal distance. Also Lightroom profiles correct for a lot it but I’m sure you know that.


  4. Many times Real Estate agents use a wide angle lens to photograph a house, and sometimes buyers were disappointed in a room size once they previewed the property


  5. Interesting. I just took a wide-angle of my friends I had breakfast with yesterday. It came out kind of weird – distorted, too. 🙂


  6. Much like you, I find the distortion disturbing and always need to straighten it. I’ve gotten pretty good at straightening anything that CAN be straightened. But I don’t necessarily mind distortion in other people’s pictures, just mine. HOWEVER, in this case, I like the second one much better than the first. Also, I think it just looks more evenly lighted. Maybe that’s because of the straightening or maybe you did something else in processing, but regardless, number two for sure — for ME, anyway.


    • The straightening process took out a lot of the background which was lighter. So that might be why it looks darker. I’m with you. Chris would like the first one best. 😀 😀


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