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Weekly Photo Challenge: Letters (Helvetica)

I’ve been a typist since I was really young and learned how to type on an old manual typewriter. One of those big heavy metal ones from the 1950s or earlier. I have also always liked type faces and over the years have published and edited many different newsletters and advertisements for the companies I worked with. Chris and I watched this movie this past week. Here is a trailer from it. It was fascinating and interesting.

Here are a couple of my favorite signs I’ve captured over the years. For those of you who don’t know me, you will kind of get a sneak peak at my quirky sense of humor. Have a great week everyone and here is my entry for the Weekly Photo Challenge.

042514 letters (1)

042514 letters (2)

042514 letters (3)

042514 letters (4)

042514 letters

Qi (energy) hugs,


I write Photography Tips and Tricks posts for the everyday photographers without all the technical mumbo jumbo. If you ever want electronic copies of my photographs, please contact me. Check out my left side bar for menu options.

45 replies »

  1. that documentary sounds fascinating. enjoyed the video.
    and good eye! those signs are brilliant. i never knew that some roads take naps. the things you learn while blogging, lol. thanks for sharing 🙂
    as i am unable to leave the url of my ‘letters’ post, here is a short link:


  2. Yup, love the road resting sign the best (how DOES a road rest though … not sure about the reality but please share!). Thanks for the big smile; this post and your photos rock 🙂


  3. What funny signs – like you I’ve worked as a typist and used to type on weird old clunkers that weighed a ton. Who would have thought being a typist would find a new life typing on keyboards for blogs.


    • I bet you don’t sit up straight anymore. I know I don’t. I used to have such great posture, but then I typed 200 wpm too. Now…not so fast 🙂


      • Sitting up straight? wish I did – I have such an aching shoulder from sitting hunched over my computer. I must get off it and go and do something else. 🙂


  4. I think I might change my name to road ;-). And, ahh, fonts and foundries. Are they not just wonderful? The simplicity of Helvetica. I really like the video. Wishing you and Chris a magical day.


  5. There should be a lot more road resting. Road are under a great deal of stress and need to be looked after much better than they are. There should be a road resting day once a year. 🙂


  6. Those are hilarious. The last one is the one that really got me laughing though. The combination of those signs brings all sorts of crazy things to mind!


  7. Some of those are hilarious, Cee, precisely the sorts of things I spot and like to take photos of. The road resting is funny; the one with the photographer ignoring the sign, annoying!



    • Actually that photographer was just fine where he is at….it just doesn’t look like it. I adore that sign. Thanks Janet for commenting.


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