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A Photo a Week Challenge: Flight

Here is my entry for A Photo A Week Challenge.  The topic is flight this week.

Two seagulls.

Two seagulls.

Two seagulls.  They were looking for food.

Two seagulls. They were looking for food.

Columbia Helicopter.

Columbia Helicopter.

The Great Silver Fleet Vintage aircraft.

The Great Silver Fleet Vintage aircraft.

Qi (energy) hugs


I write Photography Tips and Tricks posts for the everyday photographers without all the technical mumbo jumbo. If you ever want electronic copies of my photographs, please contact me. Check out my left side bar for menu options.

34 replies »

  1. Those seagulls are definitely on a mission .. so large and quite scary aren’t they when close by swooping like that .
    Great pictures Cee .


    • We actually did it on purpose. Chris was through wheat thins up in the air and we must have had 50 seagulls around it. It was crazy but ohhh so fun and I did get a few good shots.


  2. Great photos as per usually, Cee! I love how the sky is made up of different hues of blue, pink, purple and white in the first photo. It reminds me of colourful Paddle Pop ice-creams I ate as a kid 🙂


  3. Superb photos! I haven’t yet worked out how to get a good shot of birds in flight with my little digital camera.Those seagulls are fantastic.


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