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I Love My New Camera and Molalla River in Canby

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Sony a7II Mirrorless full frame camera Sony e-mount 30mm fixed macro lens Sony e-mount 18-200mm lens

Most of you know that I got the new Sony a7II mirrorless camera at the end of December.  Here is my announcement if you missed it.  It is my first full frame camera.  Here are some of the benefits of a full frame camera

  • Low-light performance.  Digital imaging sensors have tiny little light sensors that record light and produce a pixel.
  • Depth-of-Field. Since a 35mm equivalent (full frame) sensor is larger, it can accomplish more shallow apparent depth of field.
  • Viewfinder Brightness.  Because full frame cameras use larger lenses, they can produce a brighter viewfinder image.  Very handy.

Anyhow, yesterday we had an absolutely gorgeous afternoon.  The sun came out and the temperature was a 55 degrees which is quite warm for us in the winter.  So Chris and where off to our local park that has the Molalla River running through it.  Here are a couple of photos I took of it.

This is a photo of the river.

011715molalla river

This next series of photos were taken by a boat ramp that is one the river, so the current is a lot more active.  I just like how my camera took these.  They are basically straight out of the camera.  The last one I cropped to show off one smaller area.  I took these photos with my Sony 18-200 E-mount lens.  I used “auto” as the settings since I was just seeing what the camera would do by itself.

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Cropped photo.

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Oh yeah, the weather today is back to cloudy and rainy.  We should be getting over an inch of rain today.  So yesterday was a delightful treat.

Qi (energy) hugs,


55 replies »

  1. Gorgeous pictures! I have to admit I’m so surprised (good surprise) at the quality of the pictures using a mirror-less camera. You’ve converted me… lol… great shots and beautiful day. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!


  2. Isn’t it great to just look out of the window and GO ! Lovely photos Cee .. water is so appealing .. the new camera is working a treat … along with your help of course 😉


  3. I’ve been waiting to see what photos you took with your new camera! So beautiful. Water is about the loveliest thing to capture. These are gorgeous.


  4. Glad you are having fun with your new toy, Cee! I must say I am enjoying the weight of my mirrorless (OK, it’s not full frame, but I’m pleased with the results I’m getting!). I picked up my D300 yesterday, and got a shock at the weight….however did I lug that around for 5 years?!!


  5. So in a full frame camera, a 20 mm lens gives you the same view as a DSLR 20 mm? One-to-one? In a mirrorless compact, that would be amazing.

    You know, I’m old enough to remember when 35 mm was relatively new and photographers were still arguing about if a 35 mm negative was big enough to produce high quality prints. Many people felt you needed at least a Rolleiflex (2 X 2 square) size neg to get good quality. Many felt a 4X6 was the minimum size.

    How times have changed, eh? Full frame sounds so good to me.


  6. Cee, that is one mean camera you got …. congratulations!! It take some stunning images … not easy to capture movements in water. Excellent job from you both. The last image is my pick of this great bunch. *smile


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