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One Four Challenge – Jan Week 4

Here is my entry for Robyn’s One Four Challenge for January Week 4.

Here is the original photo.  I liked how this tree over hung on the road.


Here is my Week 4 version.

In this one I cropped it so the road was totally taken away.  I flipped the horizon. I cropped out the big telephone pole.  Did a little magic in photoshop.  Hopefully this now looks like a landscape on a lazy late summer afternoon.


Here is my Week 3 version.

In this one I cropped it so your attention would be on the road.  I also took out the wires and poles.  Hopefully you will want to see what is further down the road.


Here is my Week 2 version.

011115week 2

In this one, I took out the cropped it so there was more of the blue in the sky showing.  I deleted the signs along the side of the road.  Darkened the road to make it standout. Then I added a lighter green to the grass and tree and brightened it up a bit.

Here is Week 1 version.  

011115week 1

I cropped this a little closer than the original photo.  In this version I keep the exposure a little darker to give more of a sense of darker cloudy skies.  Added a little yellow to green.

Until next week.

Qi (energy) hugs,


47 replies »

  1. Hello Cee 😃
    I see the bird too – so clever!
    I like your edit this week, but 2 and 3 are the ones that really catch my eye.
    Fun – many different versions of your image.


  2. Amazing to see the images your different edits produced! I was drawn in by the third one which emphasized the road & tree. Beautifully done!


  3. The saturated one with the bright yellow grass captures my eye. I am a bit confused – is it week 2 or 1? You know the one I mean, I am sure. I like the way you have taken an ordinary photo and turned it into something interesting


  4. Interesting take on this weeks challenge, but I feel that the bottom has been cropped too much, there is no foreground to anchor the image and it feels very truncated as a result.


  5. I think the flipped image is really interesting, I wish there was a little more to it at the bottom but I really like the colors in week 4. I voted for week 3, the road ahead is always a beautiful metaphor.


  6. For me it is week two that has won me over, the freedom of the open road and the bight colours give a nice positive feeling. I do like the idea of week four cropping the road out and flipping the scene, but I feel that something is missing at the bottom of the image.


  7. This is a fascinating challenge and it is really interesting to learn about the changes you have made. For me each version has achieved a different feel, but I think my favourite is still week 1 🙂


    • That was how first saw this image in my head. I like all versions, I’m currently voting for the last one myself, but that is because it is fresh in my mind. Give me a month, my answer will most likely be different. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh, my. How did I miss these? These are great. I especially like week’s three and four. Love the road scene in three, and like the sky in week four. Lovely work!


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