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5 Day Black and White Photograph Challenge: Day Five

Here is my day five post for the 5 Day Black and White Photograph Challenge.  Yeah!  I completed this challenge.  This was an extremely fun challenge.  I want to thank Light Words for tagging me to join in on the fun. There are only two rules.

  1. For 5 days create a post any past or present photo in black and white.
  2. Each day you invite a new photographer to join the fun.


Day Five

This is the hand of Geraldine.  She was 90 years old and sitting on a horse.  It was the first time she had been on a horse in nearly 50 years.  She loved to ride as a young person and stopped riding in her 40s.


I would like to tag SheriJKennedyRiverside for the 5 Day Black and White Challenge.  Actually she had just joined in my Black and White Photo Challenge and I liked her post and blog.  I’m really hoping you take a look at her blog too.


Day Four

0212155 day b&w


Day Three

0211155 day b&w

I would like to tag Photographic Jewells for this fun challenge.  I like how she sees the world.  You should check out this blog if you don’t know her already.


Day Two



Day One


Qi (energy) hugs



40 replies »

  1. I’m a 65 year old with a growing number of nagging health issues that slow me down and/or stop me from doing things I could do easily when I was younger. I no longer jump out of trains because I discovered it now causes me to fall down and go boom. So does trying to hop a short fence and even stepping off a curb I didn’t see coming. Mother Nature take her toll over the years as we age. Joints deteriorate, muscles atrophy and our senses questioning what other people think they just told you. I’m still weighing the benefits of growing old against my youthful endeavors. I’ll let you know when I figure out which is better. 🙂


  2. Good afternoon, Cee. I love the photo and would like to know more of the story. How do you happen to be there to take this photo? How do you meet Geraldine? She sure has beautiful hands…


    • I was actually the photographer for Salem’s Adaptive Riding Institute. They usually work with children but in this case it was a Senior Make a Wish Foundation along with ARI to make this dream come true. There must have been three or four generations of her family out to see this event. She did get on the horse but didn’t ride it. Geraldine was a totally sweetheart and extremely photogenic. I had fun.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I just happen to be at the right place at the right time. It was a late afternoon and she was shielded by a horse stable in the background which gave me the black automatically and yet had the sun on her hand. It was a fun shoot.

      Liked by 1 person

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