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A Word A Week Photograph Challenge – Intricate

Here is my entry for A Word A Week Photograph Challenge – Intricate.  I hope you like my selection for this week.

A carved eagle.




Here is an old wooden carved dashboard that was put in a classic Ford.



And here is a shot of the dashboard a little closer.030415intricate_3

Qi (energy) hugs,

31 replies »

  1. Great choices, they’re certainly full of intricate detail. That eagle looks huge and that dashboard is one of a kind. 😀


  2. Love it. Hey, I was going to enter your Which Way gig, found a photo, wrote a blurb. Then reread your “rules” and realized you needed to see a “road” or something. Mine had “stairs” but you couldn’t actually see the stairs, just people about to descend. So I paused. There are so many challenges, I can’t do them all!!! Maybe I’ll enter this photo in your “Fun” one. But no, it’s not really fun. Could you maybe start an “almost which way” challenge?


    • Stairs are fine for the which way challenge. Which way allows most any thing people can travel or move on. As long the road, steps, path, rail, etc. is shown or specific. Signs of all types are allowed and bridges from any angle are allowed. I’m pretty easy going. The only thing if it really doesn’t fit, you may not get featured if it really doesn’t fit. May main goal for any of my challenges is for people to start seeing photo ops anywhere you go. And have fun with photography. That’s the biggest wish I have for my challenges.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Fun…yeah, that’s what I like about your challenges. Everyone seems to have fun. My photo doesn’t actually show the steps. So maybe I’ll look for something else to submit. Or, hey, I’ll send it in and if it just doesn’t fit, I’ll resend it to Oddball Challenge!


    • Yep that is a one of a kind. That car was fabulous. 🙂 It happened to be inside a show room and the lighting is always horrible in places that like that.


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