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Flower of the Day (March 28, 2015) – Bearded Iris


Qi (energy) hugs


31 replies »

  1. I have a few blog posts including photos of lovely flowers you or your readers might be interested in checking out. I would be honored if anyone would stop by and visit Bulldog Travels.


  2. That color is fabulous, and there aren’t a lot of true blue flowers out there. I thoroughly appreciate seeing this here, especially your choice of macro. 😀


  3. This has made my weekend Cee. The colours are so enchanting and spirit raising! I woke up to find I had lost a few (not so saved!) bits of writing online and then this came on my screen in the reader. How could anyone not smile at your compositions?! 😉 Thank you. Wishing you a great weekend.


      • Wow. Even after I commented I was staring at the three distinct colour – the cold of the purple, golden egg yolk yellow and so many tones of a warm cerise. Your work always makes me stare closer at nature because I marvel at the contrasts.
        Yeah I am keeping my notepad at the bottom of my bag now! Happy weekend.


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