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Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Telephones – new, cell, vintage, etc.

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Vintage telephone window display.

This week’s topic is Telephones – new, cell, vintage, etc.   Use your imagination and creativity with this topic.  I hope you have a lot of fun with the topic.

For a list of upcoming topics, please see the list at below.  Be creative and challenge yourself.  Look for contrast or highly textured subjects to shoot.

Thank you everyone for your overwhelming enthusiasm for the challenge last week.  I’m proud to announce our featured bloggers from the Bathrooms and Outhouses.  Please check out their posts, they are worthy of a second look.  ENJOY!

Featured Bloggers


Who would ever have thought bathrooms and outhouses could be so fun.

PonderTheIrrelevant – Vintage toilets and an outhouse.  How is that for style?

There was a time – These bathrooms need updating.  Warning bring your own toilet paper.

Mad Meandering Me – Two great photos that will bring you back in time.

Insight From a Woman’s Heart – Bright shiny and new bathroom.  The little two year old had some fun posing too.  I really like the photos with him in them, especially the photo of him inspecting the toilet.

TheOnlyD800InTheHameau – Bright shiny and new faucet.  I love the symmetry in this photo.

Dandelion Fuzz – One of her photos really grabbed my attention.  The one with the reflection of the round mirrors.

Upcoming Topics

  • Close Ups
  • Numbers:  Anything with numbers on it
  • Geometric Shapes
  • Signs:  traffic, directional, signs along the roads or on buildings
  • Abandoned or Alone

This challenge accepts the following types of photography:

  • Black and white photography
  • Sepia tones (browns)
  • Selective color with the majority of the photo being in black and white.

Hopefully you will have a lot of fun with this challenge and find your creative eye will be expanded.  Here are a couple tips and tricks posts I have done specifically for black and white photography.

ENJOY and have FUN.

If you adore challenges as much as I do, please check out WordPress’s Blog Event Listing for other challenges.

Create a Cee’s Black & White Challenge Post

  1. Then add a link to your blog in my comment box.
  2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos and post, title your blog post “Cee’s Black & White Challenge” tag.
  3. Remember to Follow My Blog to get your weekly reminders.

I usually will respond to your entry on your blog, rather than on my page.

Cee’s Black & White Challenge Badge

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Save the button to your computer and upload from there.
Still have questions? Please contact me.

My entry this week

The first three photos I edited in Nik Software FX Silver FXPro2.  I’m trying out the Nik Software for a couple of weeks.  So far I’m very happy with the results.  I’ve tried learning Photoshop on my own, but I have been unsuccessful.  So maybe this will give me an easier way to play around when I want to.

This photo is of Chris’s iPhone 5.  Yesterday, she bought the camera lenses and tripod so she can play around a little more with the photography from her phone.  I just had to take a photo of it for this challenge and use the vintage look.


Vintage wall phone.040215-bw

Vintage phone.040102-bw

The dial pad from our land line at our house.

040115 bwQi (energy) hugs,


56 replies »

    • I really don’t know much about them. We had just gotten them. They seem to work pretty well. They are only $40 for everything. I think it was three lenses that clip onto a holder that wraps around your iPhone so they stay in place. They are fixed lenses what you see is what you get. The tripod is really cheap, but it has a standard tripod screw so you can actually attach it any monopod or tripod. Hope this helps.


  1. Where in the world did you find all these phones? Oh my. I’ve already just used my phone shot for a different prompt. A bit of coordination here, please, Cee!!! Okay…perhaps I can tweak it a different way???


  2. I love this display, especially the bottle of crown royal, almost out of sight in the middle of all those phones.


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Copyright notice © Cee Neuner (aka Christine R Neuner) and blog.  All content of this website is the sole property of Cee Neuner. Please contact the owner for use of any image or text from this website.