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Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge (Day One): Thanksgiving Sunset

There has been a new challenge roaming around the blogosphere called Five Photos, Five Stories.  And I secretly wanted to be asked to participate in this challenge.  And sure enough Helen over at HHC Blog asked me to join along in the fun.  I have known her for a year or so and she is a lot of fun.  If you don’t know her you should check out her blog.

The rules of Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge require you to post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo (It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or simply a short paragraph) and then nominate another blogger to carry on this challenge. Accepting the challenge is entirely up to the person nominated, it is not a command.

I would like to ask Marilyn from Serendipity blog to join along in the fun if she is willing to play.  I’ve known her for nearly two of blogging (maybe longer).  She is a fabulous writer and photographer so I’m sure you will get plenty of stories along with her photos.

NOTE:  If any one of you are secretly hoping you will be asked to join along in this fun challenge, please feel free to contact me separately.

Here is today’s photo.

0416155 day

I took this photo on November 10, 2007.  I had just gotten my first pre-DSLR Sony DSC-H9 camera.  I was still too afraid to take photos in RAW even though the camera was capable of it.  Chris and I spent the weekend in Lincoln City, Oregon.  We always went to this one hotel where you could stand outside and get a good view of the ocean that was over 100 feet below.  The hotel was on a cliff.  This was my first sunset photo I ever took.

That was back before the days we had a lap top, so I had to wait until we got home to see what I had captured.  After seeing this photo, I was convinced I wanted to get serious about photography.  By the end January 2008, I bought my first grown up camera a Nikon D80.

I did sell this photo to a person who I worked with. She loved it that much.  It is still one of my favorite sunset photos that I have taken.

Qi (energy) hugs


51 replies »

  1. What a wonderful photo, Cee. It looks as thought there is a luminous person in the sun. What gorgeous color on the ocean! Where did you stay? I adore the Esther Lee, although that isn’t were I’ve been staying lately…. to far south from my daughter’s home to be convenient. They offer wonderful views and great rocks for climbing! I’ve just been invited to the challenge. I like your open invitation to contact you for those who want to participate. My friend Barbara invited me tonight … without warning, I might add :-0 Best wishes, Cee, WG


    • That photo was taken from the Seahorse Motel. Middle of the north end of town off of 17th I believe. I’ve stayed at the Esther Lee that is a cool place. It is way south though.

      Liked by 1 person

      • The Seahorse is right near where I stay, Cee, at the Sandpiper. I love that part of town! You can walk to everything. So you know the ramp where I go down to the beach, where trucks can drive out onto the sand….


        • How is the Sandpiper? We have always wanted to stay there. Don’t go to the Seahorse, they have really gone down hill over the years. We’ve not been there in a couple of years. I do like that beach you can drive on. Especially since I can’t walk that far. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          • Believe it or not, daughter and I finally found the courage and the time to take little one down on the beach with her stroller one day. She loved it! And then we had to push the stroller back up that long, long ramp. It took both of us to do it! And we only did it once… I love the Esther Lee beach access, but probably could no longer make the climb. I love staying at the Sandpiper. It is a time share, but son-in-law has a family connection and got the room for me. It is perfect for an extended stay with full kitchen and W/D in a small closet. Gorgeous views…. Let’s just say the first thing I did on my morning after arrival was go buy a Swiffer mop and some other cleaning supplies, and did laundry daily while there. It was not clean enough for a toddler, but between daughter and I we managed. The advantages outweighed the cleaning issues….. I can’t afford any of the high end rooms which don’t include a bit of “roughing it.” The trade off to stay on the beach is worth it to me, despite the rough edges on the rooms.


              • Cee, it is a time share, but they had a “Vacancy” sign in the window most of the time I was there. I believe each unit is different based on the owner. I hope you will enjoy your stay if you go. You can get wonderful photos right from the deck 😉


  2. This is a stunning photo, Cee. The splendor of the this setting sun is divine. What a moment captured forever. The gold tone gives me shivers and I can’t stop staring at it. ❤ ❤ ❤


  3. Sometimes the most beautiful sunsets are in Winter this is very lovely and mellow . A memorable capture for so many reasons Cee . Looking forward to your Day 2 🙂


  4. Okay, so I was nominated to do this same challenge and I’ve been waiting to do it. I had to smile when you said you had been secretly wishing to do it. I’m glad you got to do it.

    That picture is beautiful! I can see why it would inspire you to get serious about photography! 🙂


      • I’m definitely going to do it! I’m trying to get all my ducks in a row first. I also have another 5 day challenge that I have been nominated for and really want to do so I’m in the planning stage of both right now. 🙂


  5. Okay, yes, uh huh. This looks like fun 🙂 And I’ve been looking for an interesting challenge! I even know who to nominate next 🙂 I took some pictures today. I need to take a look and see if I got anything special or if I should dig into the big heap of photos on the hard drive! Thanks for thinking of me!!


  6. Lovely! Is it just me? I see a person in the sky 😉 Thanks for participating! I am looking forward to reading more! 😉


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