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The Daily Post: WPC Force of Nature

Here is my entry for The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Force of Nature.

Rainbow after the storm.


Waves crashing against the rocks.  I really like the person in the lower right, shows the scale and power of the ocean.



Wave splash.




Qi (energy) hugs,


67 replies »

  1. Great series Cee !
    Fantastic the second shot woth the girl that gives the right proportions of the waves !
    And wonderful colors also…
    Ciao ciao


  2. Beautiful! The beach is not my ‘place’… but I think that seeing and feeling the crashing of the waves would be an awesome experience to have !


  3. Fantastic collection of photos, I so love the waves crashing. I could stand by the sea for hours watching and listening to the sound….I find it so relaxing.


  4. It’s difficult to catch a wave at just the right moment, but you nailed it more than once. I like the way the rainbow goes through your photo.



  5. oh see – this is wonderful – the rainbow one is truly one of the most unique photos I have ever seen. What a capture and what a feeling to it – I kept going back after I would scroll each of the others – ❤


  6. Love it!! Big waves and ocean pictures are one of my favourites. The third photo is awsome even though I like them all.


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