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ABFriday: One Photo Focus – US State Capitol Building

It is time for Stacy over at Visual Venturing, ABFriday One Photo Focus Challenge.  Please make sure you click on the link to see how everyone edited the photo submitted by Robin Kent of the PhotographyByKent Blog.  I adore this challenge for a couple of fun reasons, especially this month because everyone  edits the same photo.  It is always interesting to work with someone else’s photo and see what I can discover in their photography.

062515flower_1I really like the wide scope to the Capitol Building because it stands so grand in all its glory and the photo is extremely well balanced.  However, since I like much closer up photos, I decided to do a major crop on the capitol building and then decided to turn it into a dramatic black and white photo.

Some of the major steps I took for this photo are:

  • Kept the symmetry of the photo and used just the middle part of the Capitol.
  • Erased the brownish walkway and the people near the Capitol steps.
  • Toned done the brightness of the dome so it showed more detail.
  • Lightened up the trees to make it appear as if the sun was shining on them.

Editing was done in both Adobe Bridge and Nik Software.

062115ABF OPF

Qi (energy) hugs


31 replies »

  1. I like the tight crop and the added texture to the image, it almost looks like its in infra red 🙂


  2. Great edit. The tight crop adds more drama to the photo – especially with the black and white. I like how you added the sunlight to the trees.


  3. I love your take on this! I hadn’t thought of cropping it and this shows the detail incredibly well. Congratulations on another successful challenge!



  4. Very nice concept, well executed, Cee. A transformation into something completely different. The cropping and B&W treatment really look good.


  5. Hi, Cee! Once again you’ve demonstrated how powerful a crop can be in changing focus of an image. Great creative choice – this grand architectural beauty just pops off the page. And nicely done B&W conversion!


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