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Travel theme: Gloss

Here is my entry for Alisa’s Travel theme challenge with the topic of Gloss.

Vintage plane.


Vintage Ford.020316gloss_1

Christmas ornaments.020316glossQi (energy) hugs,


26 replies »

  1. I did not read the labels, so I was trying to figure out who flew the “Great Silver Fleet”; then I thought the lower picture were bubbles of some sort. After reading the labels and studying the photos, I must say you put together a great threesome, with the shiny plane, the glossy orange, and the shiny ornaments. Great post.


  2. That airplane shot is just amazing. It would have been nice enough without your processing but you put it really over the top with that sky! Love it!


    • You would not want to see it without the processing. It was a real gray day and the plane being gray. Fortunately Oregon usually has some color in its clouds so I can start playing with that. Thanks Emilio.

      Liked by 1 person

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