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Flower of the Day – April 2, 2016 – Rhododendron

Feel free to add your floral photo to the comments. This way we can all enjoy everyone’s flowers.

My first Rhodie of the year is in bloom.


Qi (energy) hugs


16 replies »

  1. 🙂 Love the color! Every color is a beautiful one, now that spring is here.
    I think you’ve had daffodils on your blog a few days ago. Forgot to link mine to yours.
    But now they’re here a bit belated
    Enjoy! and have a very HAPPY weekend! 🙂


  2. OH yes, rhododendrons are coming out here in San Francisco just gorgeous. A long time ago, my neighbor had gorgeous fuchsia rhodies in her front yard. Then she died, and the new people never took care of them, and they all died. I really hated those neighbors for that, and it is not fair I know!!! But it was an old, established gorgeous plant, and if only they had hired someone to care for it. I just could not understand. They had plenty of money.


  3. We are expecting the temp to drop today and get 1-2 inches of snow. So depressing as I would much rather be sitting on my deck taking more photos. Especially of my Rhododendron. Such great colors. My favorite is the old one that was here when we bought out house. Purple.


  4. Rhodies are my very favorite. My mother-in-law in Seattle had the most spectacular bushes probably 6 or 7 feet tall and easily 4 feet wide. This Hoosier gal had never seen anything more showy. Yours is just as bright and gorgeous. 🙂


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