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Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Admiration

Here is my entry for this week’s Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Admiration.

Chris my wife, coming face to face with an alpaca,  For the better part of 28 years, I have admired her strength and gentleness as a human being.  On the outside most people see her as a strong leader.  But if you get to know her for more than 5 minutes you will be telling your life story to her.  She is a great listener.  She is constantly keeping me on my toes.  She loves to read and write.  We are opposites because I like to photograph anything and everything.  We learn so different and teach each other what we learn.  A marvelous person and companion.

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Living near the Pacific Ocean, I get to see the guys from the US Coast Guard a lot.  The work they do in helping people and rescuing them is fabulous.  This photo was taken during a training in Depoe Bay, Oregon.

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The Canby Fire house has a tribute to NY Towers that came down in the 911 attack.  Needless to the medical, fire and police force deserve to be admired for all they do.

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Qi (energy) hugs


31 replies »

  1. Great listeners are rare in a world where everyone is clamouring for attention, an admirable trait indeed. Great pic of your wife with the alpaca.


  2. I love these Cee! Especially the one with Chris and the alpaca. So cute!!!


      • Oh I have lots of friends who generally hate all photos of themselves!! When you know someone really well though you get to learn what it is that they don’t like about themselves and their appearance. Makes it easier to get images of them that they do like 🙂 There’s something very natural and joyful in this photo!


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