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26 Weeks Letter Challenge – Letter I

I decided to play along with Lori’s 26 Weeks Letter Challenge and this week the topic if Letter I. I hope you enjoy my photos.

I wasn’t very original using ice for a all three photos.  Okay maybe the dahlia a little bit.

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Clear ice covering our outdoor bell. Photo taken in Canby, Oregon.

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That photo was taken near Horse Tail Falls along the Columbia Gorge Scenic Highway. In the winter’s the spray from the falls turns the tree branches to ice. Where as just a few feet away, the ferns were not damaged by the freezing spray.

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This dahlia is named Ice Berg. Photo was taken at Swan Island Dahlia Field in Canby, Oregon.

Qi (energy) hugs


21 replies »

  1. Cee, just as well you mentioned your photo depicts a doorbell – I couldn’t have guessed! 🙂 As for your isolated English letter I, it might be helpful to render it as i, so as not to confuse it with the Roman numeral as in Elizabeth I or the letter l as in loveletter. Referring to oneself in a single capital letter is unique to the English language (or so I think). 🙂


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