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My Review of NutriBullet

Written by Cee Neuner and Chris Donner

To start out with, I love it.  At the bottom of my review you can read about some improvements I’ve experienced in just over a week of having a drink or two a day.

I’ve used blenders and expensive fancy juicers to create smoothies in the past, and the NutriBullet surpasses them all, by far.  And if you are comparing it by price to juicers and the better blenders, the price is quite reasonable too.  We bought the mid-range one, the NutriBullet Pro at $99 USD.

NutriBullet calls itself a “nutrient extractor”, and it’s a major distinction between blenders and juicers.  Juicers just give you the juice, leaving behind the skin and pulp.  Those are important ingredients that your body can use.  NutriBullet users everything with few exceptions, those being seeds that shouldn’t be ingested, or the thick rind of grapefruit, although you can use as much of the white rind as you can tolerate.  It can get pretty bitter.  What comes out of the NutriBullet is exactly what you put into it.  There is nothing to strain or filter and throw away.  It’s amazing to us who have been down the blender and juicer road.

The NutriBullet pulverizes everything you put into it.  I’ve seen where people claim they’ve even turned an avocado pit into mush just to demonstrate how powerful it is, but I’m not willing to try it.  What you get is a smooth, perfectly blended drink that is delicious.  And we’re doing it with fresh, whole organic produce.  The flavors are bright and refreshing.

The prep time is minimal.  In general, peel citrus and take out pits in fruit.  They usually don’t recommend to peel skins because that is where the nutrition lies.  Add liquids and turn on for 30 – 60 seconds.  Pour your drink.  Enjoy your drink.

Clean up is a snap.  Rinse the blades and container cup, just those two pieces.  The cup is 4″ in diameter, which makes clean up easy.  No messy screens or filters to clean like with a juicer.  There is no pulp to throw away which is my mind is the biggest blessing.  All the nutrients and no waste.

061716nutribulletI will walk you though a drink I made for myself this morning with a basic recipe.

  • 1/2 peeled grapefruit
  • 1/2 peeled banana
  • handful of baby spinach
  • handful of grapes
  • small handful of walnuts
  • two thin slices of fresh ginger
  • 1/4 cup goji berries
  • 2 tbs of Hemp Hearts (nearly 10% of daily protein + vitamins)
  • 1 teas of chia seeds
  • 1 teas of Turmeric (for my inflammation)
  • 2-1/2 tbs of Superfood blast (increases feel good energy)

Combine all food and spices into large NutriBullet cup.  Then fill water to max line (in this case to the top of the berries).

Screw cap with blades on.


Then blend for 30-60 seconds.  Yes, seconds.  You never want to go longer than a minute.  This thing is powerful.

Then pour your drink and enjoy.  It is clump-less, no pulp.  Bananas make them a little thicker, but you won’t have any chunks of food remaining.   I usually pour my drink and clean out the large cup right away and put the nutribullet away for the next time.  It just takes a couple of minutes.


Colors of your drink can get a little weird, but then you are using natural food and spices.  This one got its coloring from the turmeric spice, spinach and little bit of cocao that was in the Superfood blast.  The grapefruit is the strongest flavor and I simply adore grapefruit.

One other thing that NutriBullet has a companion website called NutriLiving.  They have hundreds of different recipes to chose from which should give you a great ideas for combinations of fruits, vegetables, healthy oils, spices, and protein.  You can use Greek Yogurt, cottage cheese, tofu, quinoa, etc.

Some of the benefits I’ve received just in this past week.

  1. Some of the remaining major symptoms of Lymes is inflation mainly in the legs, but it has crept all over my body.  I’ve lost 1-1/2 inches in each of my lower legs and an inch around the waist.
  2. I am happier in general.
  3. I’ve never had a problem with sleeping, and I believe I am sleeping even better.
  4. I went to see my Qigong Master on Wednesday this week.  She had no clue I was starting to use the NutriBullet.  She did an initial scan of my body and noticed that my organs were healthier and brighter.  She said I looked better than I had.  I told her about the NutriBullet and that it how it totally extracts and breaks down all the food.  She said for me that is so good because my stomach doesn’t work so well.  She said that this food will now bypass my stomach and go straight to the small intestine and will be processed there.  It is making my body not work so hard.

Qi (energy) hugs


39 replies »

  1. Great review. My wife bought a “knock off” similar to it, enjoys using it and seems pretty versatile.


  2. I am going to check it out. It also sounds like you will be regular as a clock drinking that. It should keep your digestive system really digesting. Thank you. Something to definitely consider. Keep those recipes coming!!


  3. Yep, I want one. I’ve been on the fence for some time about it, but this was a very helpful review. Thank you 🙂


  4. I drink a lot of protein drinks, using 100 percent pea powder and combining it with fruit and vegetables. Using the Bullet makes it so easy, fast, and with little clean up. Your recipe sound deliciously healthy Cee.


  5. I love my nutribullet. I’ve had mine for a couple of years and it’s one of the ways I get my kids to incorporate some veggies into their diet 🙂


  6. Sounds yummy! Are you just basically having your smoothie for breakfast and then two meals? I have a Vita-Mix and love it. I’m starting to hear more and more about the NutriBullet! Enjoy! 🙂


  7. wonderful! I just finished making a smoothie when I sat down to catch up on your blog- mine was 1 cup frozen mango, 1 frozen banana 11/2 tsp turmeric, cinnamon, squirt of maple syrup, 1 cup bottled water. (I only have a blender but it worked fine- I like it thick no lumps 🙂 )


  8. I love my bullet. I drink a spinach-banana-blueberry smoothie for breakfast and add 1 TBSP soaked chia seeds. I am so glad I got it I invested in it, it makes me happy. 🙂 I am going to try your recipe


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