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I’m back home!

Chris and I went to see my sister and brother in law the past two weeks.  Beth and John live in Idaho Falls, Idaho and we had a so much fun getting caught up and visiting with each other.  I did get plenty of photos to share with everyone.  I am home and exhausted, but oh so happy.

Challenges will resume next week after I catch up with my sleep and laundry.  I may not get to all my comments or your entries, please don’t hate me.

Here are a couple of photos of the Snake River.


Snake River and 4 geese in the city of Idaho Falls, Idaho.


Snake river in eastern Idaho.

Qi (energy) hugs



33 replies »

  1. Glad you are home safely! who could hate you….you are so generous with the time you put into the challenges!
    Love the photo of the geese walking across the falls


  2. Such pretty pictures… I also got back from my trip to Portland, Seattle & Tacoma, and Oregon and CA coast. It’s exhausting, but I had a terrific time. Glad you enjoyed your vaca.


  3. Welcome back! I’m glad you had a wonderful trip and look forward to seeing your photos whenever you get around to sharing them. 😀


  4. So glad you had a great time! Please don’t reply! I’m just getting back into the swing of things myself. When I saw the title of your post, I was hopeful that you had some brilliant photos, and you do, of course! Can’t wait to see more. No reply! Just rest and I will catch up on your challenges soon.


  5. Yay! So glad that 1) you are back and 2) that you had such a great time. Sleep sounds wonderful; laundry can wait. Clean clothes are so overrated. 😀


  6. Welcome back! I know exactly what you mean about being home and exhausted, but happy, after your trip. Just been through the same myself and it was great to be home after four weeks away. Lovely photos. Look forward to more! 🙂


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