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Thursday Doors – September 8, 2016

Here is my entry for Thursday Doors – September 8, 2016. ENJOY!

I usually try and get some pretty or unusual doors for Norm’s challenge.  However, this week I went for an ugly and broken down door.

Here is a sad little house I saw in Idaho.  The next photo is a closer look at the entryway.  I did get some cool doors photos of old barns in Idaho, but for some reason this little old house just spoke to me today.  I think a part of me would like to fix it up.



Qi (energy) hugs,


32 replies »

  1. I love that little neglected house. Did anyone live there, or was it abandoned? I have a thing about photos of abandoned houses! Thanks for showing it! 🙂


  2. I have the same feeling about houses like that. I always want to fix them up… even as a little girl I wanted to do this and did with a couple of old houses that were on my dad’s land.


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