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Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Security

Here is my entry for this week’s Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Security.  ENJOY.

The Pacific Ocean in Oregon.

When I was in my late teens and early twenties, the Pacific cean brought me security.  I went to college and worked in a city that had a long pier (Ventura, California) that I walked nearly everyday, once I owned a car.  Nearly 40 years ago,  I would walk to the end of the pier and just let the wind blow through my hair and listen to the ocean waves.  Standing just staring out into the vast ocean is when I felt safe and protected by the Universe.  It was my place to get feel peace and know all was well.

My young life was not always happy.  My mom was verbally abusive I feared going home.  My dad was useless since I disowned him years ago when he molested me at a young age.  I just considered him the guy my mother lived with.  The ocean became my refuge until I  was able to financially support myself and move far away.

The Pacific Ocean in Oregon.

Qi (energy) hugs


59 replies »

  1. The ocean definitely has many healing qualities – i really should spend more time at our beautiful beaches than i do!

    You’ve come a long way, Cee! 🙂



  2. Looking at it peace comes to my mind, I can also spend hours sitting by it. After reading your story I have started to have more respect for you. One needs to be bold and courageous to face and come out of all this and share it with the world. Happy to know you and connected to you, you have become a wonderful human being and excellent photographer and obviously inspiration for many, Keep rocking….God Bless you 🙂


  3. I am so thankful you had this escape to turn to during your horrific childhood to remind you that their was still beauty in the world and in you.


  4. Such difficult times but glad to you were able to find retreat in the ocean. Solace comes but it comes slowly. Hope you are at ease now. Both Cho and i are with you all the way. Love the photos!


  5. It’s so hard for a kid where the home is not a shelter, a refuge, a safe haven. Yes, a vast ocean could sooth your pain swallow your tears, and give you comfort and security. Great photos, Cee!


  6. I’m sorry your early life was so hard. I’m glad you were able to separate yourself from it. The ocean is wonderful.


  7. The ocean is constant, powerful, awe-inspiring, nonjudgmental and has tons of negative ions hanging around to bring you balance. What could be better? I’m glad you found your security.


  8. So sorry to hear what you had to go through, Cee. Glad nature, ocean brought you peace, security, and comfort.


  9. Sorry to read about those terrible difficulties, Cee. I’m glad you had somewhere that brought you peace. That’s how I feel about the mountains in particular and nature in general.



  10. Beautiful. Photos and words. All of us have to find a place where we can feel safe, secure and one with the universe.


  11. That big image, Cee … that is what the ocean .. is all about, powerful, beautiful .. it makes us escape to where ever we want to go. Beautiful post.


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