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Black & White Sunday: Window

Here is my entry for Paula from Lost in Transition blog Black and White Sunday:  Window.

This photo was taken in Downtown Portland a few years ago.

Qi (energy) hugs


27 replies »

  1. Black and white pictures are love to watch. As an photographer i can understand that It requires a lot of patience, efforts and creativity. You can have a look at my work and let me know how you find it. I would love to hear from photographer like you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. For once, I prefer the colour version (and yes, I do like the shot). The remarkable blue of the sky is taken up in a muted form on the top and bottom of the photo. The – again very stunning – yellow of the reflected house is taken up by the orange brickwork on the left. And the selective colour in the company sign places to much emphasis on the name of the company – unless it is an advertisement for that company in which case it serves a purpose. I probably would have cut off the sign and shown more of the street lamp on the right (if that was an option).


    • Interesting take and vision for this photo. Nordstrom’s is a big department store here, so I did want to capture the sign. I took that photo many years ago when I was still learning a lot. It would be interesting to see what I would do with that scene today.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m with Tim. The color version seems a bit too busy. Love the b & w!


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