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Weekly Weather: Fog

Here is my entry for Jennifer’s Weekly Weather Challenge with the topic of Fog.

St John’s Bridge (abutment), Portland, Oregon.

Farm in Canby, Oregon.

Guard rail along the Old Columbia River Gorge Highway, Oregon.

Qi (energy) hugs


25 replies »

  1. I think the first and last shots work the best as you have something in the foreground and background so you can see how the fog affects the scene. Love it!


      • We’re fine, thanks. Tired from the trip but neither of us was emotional during the service. He was related by marriage, not by blood. Lynn had known him forever but I only met him a few times.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Your photos are lovely Cee. The only fog here on the eastcoast of the US is due to humidity and not as romantic or inviting as your images!


  3. There is something about bridges and barns in the fog that stir emotions deep within me. These are great examples for your challenge, Cee.


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