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Flower of the Day – August 6, 2017 – Dahlia

Feel free to add your floral photo to the comments. This way we can all enjoy everyone’s flowers.  

Test flower at Swan Island Dahlias.

Qi (energy) hugs


30 replies »

  1. I just watched an hour-long video made by a man up the street whom I’ve just met. It is an incredible video of all of the wildflowers in the mountains above my house and I was amazed at their beauty and variety. If you think you’d enjoy seeing it, Cee, I’ll send it to you and ask that after viewing it, you send it on to someone who demonstrates an interest in seeing it and that they do the same. I just ask that anyone who views it sends me a comment at so I know where the film has gone and what you think of it. I think he did a fantastic job of producing this video, and the good part is that every bit of the profits go to helping to support a local orphanage. I’m not asking folks to buy it.. just want to share the wonderful variety of floral life here, 80% of which I’d never seen before because these flowers grow well off the beaten track. There are also gorgeous views of the lake and some of the creatures and people he encountered in his many walks up and over the mountains. If you squinted hard, you’d see my house in some of these photos as my house is exactly where development begins on my part of the mountain. Across from me on the uphill side is just mountain. If you want to see the film and to send it on, email me your mailing address and I’ll mail you the video when I come to the U.S. in September. Then you can pass it on as you wish!

    Liked by 1 person

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