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Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Structure

Here is my entry for this week’s Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Structure  ENJOY.

The first thing that coms to mind is flowers.  There is a lot of structure, architecture and math involved in flowers.



The next couple of photos I just like the curves and structure of.

Vintage Ford hood ornament.


Qi (energy) hugs


45 replies »

  1. I had to look twice at the hood ornament–what a minute! That’s not a Jaguar! I’ve never seen a Ford hood ornament like this before. Good one, Cee.


  2. When I view your photographs, I feel like I am resting in beauty. Do you mind if I use them for my desktop photo on my iMac? (just for me, not for anyone else) Well, I just did it without your permission, and wow, you should see the purples and oranges of the water lily on my 27 inch iMac. I am just blown away by it. Let me know, I am sure it is okay with you. Have you seen your photos enlarged? (I am sure you have) I feel like I have entered into the essence of that water lily!!! Thank you for using a setting on your camera and on WordPress so the photo does not pixilate.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You can use my photos for your desktop anytime. If you use them anywhere else, just make sure I get credit.
      I keep my photos just big enough for monitors so they are crystal clear and sharpe. If you ever want one of my photos enlarged for poster size … just let me know.


  3. The first one is stunning – and the closest I think to the intention of the challenge.

    And while I agree that the hood ornament is beautiful, I cannot help but think of the damage it could do if it hit an unwary pedestrian.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love the waterlily! Reminds me of the science fiction creatures! I guess where the movie makers get their ideas from for their aliens. Anyways, beautiful photos!

    Liked by 2 people

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