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Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Waiting

Here is my entry for this week’s Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Waiting  ENJOY.

This is an appropriate topic for me right now.  The smoke from the wild fires have been really bad.  It is quiet outside, birds are not chirping, people are staying inside, even the traffic is quieter than normal.  I’m just waiting for the fires to clear as well as the air.  I have no ambition to do anything, or even blog.  The smoke is starting to effect me.  So if I don’t get to all your comments, please excuse me.  I’ll pick up again when the air clears.

I just noticed that all of these men I photographed had hats on.

Gentlemen waiting for a drizzle to stop.


A distinguished gentleman waiting for something.

A young man waiting.

Qi (energy) hugs


59 replies »

  1. The young man on the tractor might well represent all of us in the Western states. Today is the first Blue Sky day of note in the last 2 weeks down here.
    Be well,


  2. We had a couple of days of respite, but last night the smoke came back with a vengeance. Planned to go shopping today, but started to feel lightheaded, so instead I closed the doors and windows I’d opened last night to cool the house down and went back to bed. I’m sure it was too much smoke getting me. I don’t know how the firefighters and people closer to the fires get through it. Stay inside, Cee, and take it easy.


  3. I always find it incredible how far smoke will travel. While in Wyoming, we had one terribly smoky day when it felt as if the fire were just over the next rise, waiting to consume us, where in reality, it was in British Columbia or somewhere like that! Praying the fires are under control soon!!



  4. The winds are supposed to shift today and push some of the smoke eastward. I hope they can get these fires contained SOON. Yes, very scary!


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