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Flower of the Day – October 13, 2017 – Orange daffodil

Feel free to add your floral photo to the comments. This way we can all enjoy everyone’s flowers.

I decided for the month of October I’m going to be posting flowers that have some sort of orange in them.  Remember you don’t have to have an orange flower to join in the fun.

Qi (energy) hugs


28 replies »

    • Yes, they are mostly yellow, but … you know I live where they have fields of them and distribute them throughout the world, so I’ll see varieties most people won’t see except on occasion.


  1. Hello Cee. Loving your photos of flowers. I wanted to share one of mine taken on the West Coast of South Africa during the Wildflower Season. You would love it. Just don’t know how to post it on comment. Do I have to post it on my blog first then share it? Forgive the question, I’m an inexperienced blogger!!


  2. Spectacular shot, Cee!

    I really appreciate the beauty of these flowers when they are captured in close-up as well as you have here.

    They are always pretty when seen from a distance, but up close and personal there is a completely different level of beauty and intricate detail.:-)

    I have some orangey roses for Orange October! 😉



    • I adored your roses. I’m posting a pink rose in the morning. I took the photo today, it’s not really good, but I was shocked it was in bloom and looked that good. I’m adding to Debbie’s Intent to Travel pink challenge. I didn’t want to break my orange streak.

      Liked by 1 person

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