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  1. Hi Cee, love your entry, it’s a great comparison. I’m back blogging after long time away, I’ve a new site and I should join your photo challenges again. Such a great community you have. Last time i visited your blog you had plans to move to Alaska, are you there yet?


    • It has been awhile. We’ve decided against Alaska. Why too wet. Where we wanted to go it had double or triple the rain we get here in Oregon. I’d love that much rain because I love rain, but the mildew everywhere would be real nasty. We’ve decided to stay here in Oregon. Nice to see you back. 😀


        • Actually where we were looking the temperatures are more mild in the summers and close to the same in the winter. That’s what first appealed to us. We spent some time in Washington, where it does rain more and their cabins are so full of mildew … you just can get rid of it. That is what made us opt of Alaska. 😀

          Liked by 1 person

  2. True! 🙂

    And there is always more than one perspective you can view a subject from and get a completely different picture!



  3. I really Love ❤️ that. The only drawback I see is the last stanza has a slightly different view when you have two arms that are extremely sore after getting SHOTS in my arms on Tuesday from some sketchy nurses at the hospital. Shots are an art, and Beth is the best one by far. A real Rembrandt of a nurse (and NO I am not biased – well sort of). Hugs 🤗!

    Liked by 1 person

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