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Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Life is Temporary

Here is my entry for WordPress Daily Post Weekly Challenge with the topic of Temporary.

This was me in 2001, when I went into a 40 day coma and had multiple organ failure.  I was hospitalized for nearly 5 months and came home in a wheel chair and didn’t walk for nearly a year.

This is a a year and a half later in September 2002 on a trail in Colorado.  I wasn’t walking a lot yet, but it felt good to get on a trail.

This was me in September 2003 when Chris and I went on a vacation in Oregon and northern California (we lived in Colorado at the time) and we decided to move to Oregon.   I believe this was taken at Agate Beach in Oregon.

This was me in the redwoods where we camped.  Life is so temporary, considering I was standing among trees that range from 1,000 to 2,000 years old.

Chris obviously took all these photos.  The camera was one of the first Sony Digital cameras.  We kept the resolution on low, because the memory cards back then were really expensive.

See my Lyme story here.

Qi (energy) hugs,



100 replies »

  1. Have you heard about my NuCompanion device? It is a companion for creative people who tend to stick to themselves and don’t talk much. Also, but haven’t tested it yet, for people in coma.


  2. Life is temporary and your strength is amazing and great. You are a motivation for many and a positive person. Always remember that your photographs are permanent and will live forever. Keep smiling and wish you many more years of happy birthdays.


  3. Nicely told story with photos.

    I chuckled at the low resolution thing because I used medium resolution a lot on my first digital camera. Wouldn’t dream of it now, even if it weren’t for cheaper memory cards.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Speaks volumes of your determination and your will to live. You are such an inspiration to many. So glad you were able to recover and do the remarkable things you do daily. Your photography brings the beauty of the world in focus. I enjoy it so much.


  5. Yours is an incredible story of recovery, Cee. It shows us that while life is temporary, it is up to us to fight to make it last as much as possible. You have done that. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your story with us.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. And as you just celebrated your birthday, we unite with you again through this post, to celebrate your life.
    What happened to you back then was temporary but your will and determination to live, are not. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am glad you are ok now, Cee. If I hadn’t met you (online), I don’t know how my day would look like now. It was because of you that I started loving photographing. And I love it more and more as the day goes.
    Have a wonderful evening.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. 🙂 Life happens and I’m very happy for you (and for me, too) that you have fought so strongly and survived, dear Cee!

    By the way, belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and all the very best for the coming year. Stay happy and healthy and may all your wildest dreams come true!
    Claudia xo 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Grateful for your inspiration. What a five months that must have been for you and all of those who love you. You make the most out of life, Cee, challenging and motivating others on the blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. You are such an inspiration Cee and the love in your life is beaming through your photographs, including these where you are in front of the camera. That image of you on Agate Beach is beautiful and so symbolic 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  11. A blessing to be able to come back from the throws of a devastating illness. I can so relate having been in an ICU for 10 days with the possibility of no return. Your photographs inspire the power of healing. May you continue to be healthy and surrounded by love.
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Life is just loaned to us. But we do have the opportunity to do the best with our life to help and inspire others. I think you are and will always be an inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I’m so glad that you made it through your physical problems, Cee. Thanks for sharing the journey with us and providing a space for us to share our art in your various photo challenges.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. You have, to put it mildly, come a VERY long way. Not all of us have gotten quite that close to dying … and it is a strange thing to come back from. They are testing Garry for Lyme now because maybe it isn’t an onrushing of arthritis but Lyme, because Lyme is a big deal around New England and we live in the woods.

    May we live long and prosper, despite all the setbacks!

    Liked by 1 person

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