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Wolf Moon December 31, 2017

I just took what I am considering my Photo of the year.  Tonight is the Wolf Moon and I got my camera and tripod and took some photos. There is a maple tree brach running in front of the moon.  This is also my entry for Paula’s (Lost In Translation blog) Thursday Special challenge.  This week her theme is Your Best Photo in 2017.

The first Full Moon of the year is named after howling wolves. In some cultures, it was known as Old Moon, Ice Moon, Snow Moon, and the Moon after Yule.  (Officially the fullest part of this moon will be at 4:43 pm January 1, 2018.

Camera:  Sony A7ii mirrorless full frame – Tripod

Lens:  FE 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 G OSS

F 10.0, 1/200, -2.3 exp, ISO 10,000

Qi (energy) hugs


66 replies »

  1. Wow! That’s amazing and surreal looking! I’ve taken many pictures of the moon (the best ate through trees) but I don’t have a tripod so they never achieve the clarity of yours. I love how detailed the moon is while the surroundings are blurred. Fantastic!


  2. Magical, mysterious and captivating. I like this image a lot.
    ISO 10,000 – wow, I had no idea the numbers went so high. I would think there would be a lot of distortion especially in such dark areas yet you have created a smooth, blended surface that is lovely.


  3. 🙂 Happy New Year, dear Cee!
    This picture looks nice and spooky, you could easily use it for Halloween.
    Have a good start into the new year.
    Claudia 🙂


  4. Glorious image Cee, it’s like the moonlight is piercing a hole through the light cloud. Never heard of a Wolf Moon before – thanks for the info! 🙂
    Here’s to a New Year full of brilliant photos! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I saw the moon when I took the dog out this evening, was surprised as I’ve spent the last 7 days in a blizzard up north, no night sky visible to speak of. Your shot is lovely!


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