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Thursday’s Special: Once Over

Here is my entry for Paula’s (Lost In Translation blog) Thursday Special challenge.  This week her theme is Once Over.

Here is my entry for WordPress Daily Post Weekly Challenge with the topic of Variety on a Theme.

This dahlia is called the Precious Dahlia.  I took these photos all at the same time.  Different angles and groupings of flowers can give an entirely different perspective.  Which is your favorite?  What moods do they provoke in you?

Qi (energy) hugs


27 replies »

  1. Precious indeed 🙂 If I have to choose then it would be the first and the last one, but all beautiful, so vibrant and detailed in your captures. Thank you so much, Cee.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I view them as very geometric and perceive each of them as relatively more or less symmetrical in structure, with these views. All are beautiful, and yet if there is an inner pull towards more or less structured, there seem to be different responses. Some come across to me as in motion and some do not. Everyone’s mileage may vary–but they are all lovely to me.


  3. Love all angles. Dahlias bring in the sense of sophistication. And indeed, Cee. The internet tells me that “When given as a gift, the dahlia flower expresses sentiments of dignity and elegance. It is also the symbol of a commitment and bond that lasts forever.”


  4. Really beautiful Dahlia’s, Cee 🙂
    They made me smile and think at the coming spring. I do have a Dahlia in this color and I’m looking much forward to see the new flowers in this year.

    Liked by 1 person

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