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Creating a Community Through Blogging: A Q&A with Cee Neuner of Cee’s Photography

I’m getting my 15 minutes of fame … courtesy WordPress Discover. Cheri Lucas Rowlands contacted me just over a week ago and interviewed me. Here is Cheri’s article. I hope you ENJOY.

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By nature, blogging is communal — we write publicly and interact with readers. Some people, like Cee Neuner at Cee’s Photography, have built communities around their sites. Cee hosts weekly photo challenges that not only encourage people to practice their shooting skills — they provide a welcoming space for bloggers around the world to connect. Here, Cee talks about her love for photography and what motivated her to launch challenges on her site.

What is your philosophy around photography?

Cee with her camera

I am a visual person, so being behind a camera and looking for beauty and color is in my DNA. I take photos because I enjoy it. The world comes alive. I love looking through my viewfinder: I see life so much clearer than I do without the lens. I am fortunate as I have a natural ability for composition, and that makes taking photos so…

View original post 741 more words

61 replies »

  1. Gosh!
    I don’t know why it took me so many months to see this Q&A session of yours with Cherri today but I’m glad that I found out more about you and your love of photography.
    Keep smiling and clicking, Cee 🙂


  2. Congrats, Cee. Lovely interview and photos too. I used to take part in your challenges and will surely be back for more. Thank you for creating all these creative challenges.


  3. Being absent I have missed so much.. great interview Cee… so pleased to see your article. A great read.. yes it is nice having a community feel like to posts… as if we were all neighbours. Love the challenges you hold.. Take care my friend xx


  4. much-deserved limelight — you have been such a kind “mentor” at encouraging me with every post i share for your challenges, personally, it gave me the confidence to publish my simple craft which comes from my heart — thank you:)


  5. I first came across your blog many moons ago when you had started your ‘compose yourself challenges’. You taught me alot! And really fueled my interest in learning and trying more things with my camera. Thank you!!


  6. I always enjoy entering your photo challenges and sorting through my plethora of pictures waiting to be explored anew!


  7. Congratulations! That’s a great interview, Cee. Your photo challenges have truly created a community! Your challenges have inspired and encouraged me to participate even though I use my iPhone and not a regular camera. I’ve never thought of myself as a true photographer but perhaps I should just say I’m not a professional photographer! Thanks for all the time and effort you have put into sponsoring these challenges.


  8. That is a great interview! Lyme disease for 30 years, how horrible. I have physical issues now because of arthritis, but I try not to let it stop me from doing everything. Even taking fun costume photos the middle of my back pains from leaning in to the camera. I have to remember to either sit on a stool when I can or stand up straighter. Photography is the best and I am enjoying it a lot more now that I am participating in these challenges. I never would have considered taking photos of leaves before! Thank you so much for doing these challenges!


  9. Well done, Cee. Cheri chose wisely and I enjoyed reading. You’re the centre of a great community of photography lovers. I appreciate everything you do here – especially your thoughtfulness and sheer hard work to keep everything going.

    Liked by 2 people

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