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Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Large Subjects

This week the topic is Large Subjects.  Large can be a matter of perspective.  Although I would assume large means bigger than a human being.  You can also show perspective of something real small and then something bigger than the small object.  Let’s see how creative you can get.  I’m looking forward to what you all decide to post.  I just want you to have some fun with your photography.

Upcoming Topics

For a list of upcoming topics, please see the list below.  Be creative and challenge yourself.  For a great black and white photo look for contrast or highly textured subjects to photograph.

  • Bikes of Any Kind
  • Heads or Facial Features (human or animal)
  • Store Front Signs
  • Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles
  • Older than 50 years
  • Any kind of seating

This challenge accepts the following types of photography:

  • Black and white photography
  • Sepia tones (browns)
  • Selective color with the majority of the photo being in black and white
  • Desaturated – very little color tone left in your photo

I hope you have FUN a lot of fun with this challenge.

For more information on this challenge, please visit the Black & White Challenge page.

If you adore challenges as much as I do, please check out WordPress’s Blog Event Listing for other challenges.


  1. Then add a link to your blog in my comment box.
  2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos and post, title your blog post “Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge” or (CB&W) tag.
  3. Remember to Follow My Blog to get your weekly reminders.

I usually will respond to your entry on your blog, rather than on my page.


Save the button to your computer and upload from there.
Still have questions? Please contact me.


Vintage Locomotive and train

Huge ship and two smaller boats.

Big Barn

Bigger than life Fire Fighter statueQi (energy) hugs



63 replies »

  1. This is an interesting choice Cee, for without a comparison it’s difficult to gauge size. The boats are excellent examples but the fireman is my favourite


  2. I like the comparisons between the ship and the boats, but the firefighter statue is my favorite today.


  3. All of the images are beautiful, but I was especially drawn to the train. I think you used a blue filter on it, which really made the engine pop. I also liked the barn… I have a thing about barns. 🙂 Thank you for sharing these!


  4. I like your “little” boats with the large ship in the back for scale. The fire fighter looks interesting because he wears something akin to patchwork but without scale it is difficult to tell how large he really is.


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Copyright notice © Cee Neuner (aka Christine R Neuner) and blog.  All content of this website is the sole property of Cee Neuner. Please contact the owner for use of any image or text from this website.