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All Challenge Hosts

Since WordPress’s Event page is now out of date and I you can’t add any new challenges to it, I have come up with an idea.

Hosts, if you send me information of your challenge, I will host a page on my blog for all challenges.  You can link back to my page so other members can find your challenges or other like it.

Click here to see link where I am setting this up.

Here is the information I would like:

  • Challenge Name
  • Host Name
  • Host Blog (URL)
  • Type of Challenge (Photography, Writing, General or come up with your own Type)
  • Short description of challenge (one or two sentences)
  • Day challenge is published and frequency (example Thursday, Weekly)
  • There are a few challenges that run monthly or yearly, please make note of that also.
  • If you have a badge, please attach that as well.

Email me through my contact page for updates or make comments below.

Please feel free to reblog this post.

Qi (energy) hugs




75 replies »

  1. Hi Cee. Today I’ve reblogged the post I did (almost) two weeks ago listing all the prompt sites I had found. Since then several have changed their URLs so I am reblogging it today with the changes. Feel free to have a look and copy any sites you haven’t heard from yet. I don’t intend to go on doing this and once you get your prompt info site up and running I’ll just refer folks to you. Probably everyone who follows my blog already follows you anyway, but want to be sure these sites are promoted. Some of my favorites only have two or three people responding and I’d like to see them get their deserved following. Thanks for taking on another big chore, by the way. Do you ever sleep? xo Judy


    • This week I feel like I haven’t slept. Between setting up the challenges lists and people helping me get to 1 million views. I’m exhausted. You’ve done great work on gathering these prompts. If you ever run into challenges that are not on my list and know the hosts have them contact me. Thanks.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Were there any you could use? Just remember this isn’t a job and take time off when you need it. You are obviously driven and I understand that, but go lie in a hammock or if you haven’t a hammock, go lie down in the grass for awhile and watch the birds build their nests and the hummingbirds and butterflies gathering their nectar. It’s amazing, this doing nothing! I am trying to make myself do this now and then.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Dropped you a mail via contact page. Could you confirm if you received it? Many a time, people don’t receive the mails I send through the contact page 😦


  3. Reblogged this on Haddon Musings and commented:
    For those who like to challenge and for those of us who take up the challenge See has generously offered to take up the baton where WordPress has put it down.


  4. Super excited to see this post after experiencing the void left behind by the exit of word press challenges. I can actually feel my mind tingling in anticipation. Can’t wait to checkout the sumptuous buffet. Fantastic thought Cee!


  5. Thanks for doing this, Cee. I had started working on a list yesterday but I didn’t get far. I’m sad that the Weekly Photo Challenge was canceled.


  6. Reblogged this on The Shower of Blessings and commented:
    Cee Neuner is compiling a list of all challenges to be available for all bloggers. If you are a host of any photo or writing challenges and wish to be on the list, please contact her and give her the information. It’s very generous of her to do this. Thank you, Cee!


  7. Reblogged this on Norm 2.0 and commented:
    Hey all you bloggers who host challenges on WordPress, Cee has a great idea for an updated page that lists all active challenges. Follow her simple steps and get your challenge listed here…


  8. OH! And there’s also the A-Z Blogging Challenge, which appears yearly, runs through the month of April for each year. They have badges too… Okay done now.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Great idea! Here’s the list I’ve compiled (privately) and which I strive to do as often as they offer them: (RogerShipp is the host). This is a Daily Word (Writing) blog (Cee Neuner is the hostess)…this is a writing challenge, which appears weekly – have you met this hostess? She’s FABULOUS! 🙂 Daily word (writing) prompt Fandango is the host. He has a badge/banner, but I’m comment graphic challenged and so I can’t paste it here Thriving Not Surviving is the hostess. This is a daily word (writing) challenge (collaboration with seven different bloggers)..Daily word challenge (writing) (hostess: Athling2001) .. weekly Just Start Writing challenge .. she also hosts a question of the day (most days) and a 300 word short story challenge. LOTS of writing! 🙂
    Brand new is: (host and hostess: GC and Sue W (her site is ). They host a weekly word challenge: media is writing OR photography

    Now many of these daily word prompt hosts don’t just accept writing as the venue, they’ll accept photographs illustrating the word too.

    Um. I hope this helps. It’ got long. Sorry.


    • I will need them to contact me. That is the only way I will publish these. If you know these hosts, you may want to send them a link to me. Thanks. I do know of a few of these challenges already.

      Liked by 1 person

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