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I owe 1,000,049 Thank Yous!!!!!

You all made me one happy and very proud blogger.  I just passed the 1,000,049 view!!!

What a wonderful ride it has been.  Thanks to all of you who have visited and commented on my blog over the 4+ years.  May we continue to play and have fun.

One of the best things I like about blogging is the community and the fact it is world wide.  You all blow my mind.

Many virtual hugs to all of you!!!

Cee Neuner

160 replies »

  1. That’s amazing Cee. Congratulations . It is incredible how many countries you have reached. The internet is indeed a fantastic tool. Blogging is a wonderful way of reaching people wherever they are.


  2. 🙂 Congratulations, dear Cee!
    I’m happy for you that you made it!!!
    Thanks for all the inspiring topics you share with us.
    Have a very HAPPY week!
    Claudia 🙂


  3. You are worldwide, Cee! I haven’t visited in a while but now that I have a new camera to play with, I suspect I’ll be joining a few challenges! 🙂 Congratulations on this amazing achievement!


  4. That is absolutely AMAZING! Well done and Congratulations.
    You have been viewed from almost every single country in the world. That is terrific.
    A great reward for a lot of hard work on your part. 🙂


  5. Wow!!!!

    Many congratulations Cee on hit a milestone (which needs to be renamed as million-stone in my opinion for moments like these you know).

    But millions of thanks are due from us to you, Cee as for capturing and sharing majestic/funny/lovely/jaw-dropping images of your world 😀

    Keep on smiling and clicking 🙂


  6. Awesome! Many congratulations Cee and thank you so much for your inspiration, challenges and creating a fun place where we can all share our love of photography. Big hugs and blessings from all of us here 🤗🐾💖🐾 xxx


  7. Brilliant, Cee. Very well done. And many thanks for your generous hosting of so many challenges that give people so much pleasure, and help us all make so many blogging friends and connections.


  8. WP statistics make interesting viewing don’t they? So many readers in so many countries. It would be good to meet your solitary readers in those tiny nations! Congratulations on connecting with so many people.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Congratulations to you, Cee!!!!!!! You did it. You made the first million!! What a global viewer you have. You’re the best and hardest blogging ambassador! You have 1.000.201 right now. You’ll have a lot more coming in to congratulate you! I’m so happy for you!! Yeah. 🙂 <3<3 ❤ 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh my how many zeroes is that?!!!! Congratulations Cee and thank you for all the fun and the joy and most of all for teaching me to see things differently. 🙏


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