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Update on Miss Digi

Miss Didgeridoo (Digi) had her surgery on Sept 7.  Here we are slightly over one month.  Her cast and stitches were removed nearly 3 three weeks ago. Here is a photo I took of Digi this morning.

The biggest thing she has to do is rest her legs, which means no jumping or running.  Tell that to an active 1-1/2 year old pug.  She’s pretty good for the most part.

The hardest thing to do it keep her from jumping up on us because she wants our laps or wants us to play with her.

This photo I took this afternoon of her jumping up on my leg.  I was outside on our patio awhile taking photos of autumn leaves.  So, of course, I had to capture Miss Digi not following doctors orders.

In a couple of weeks we will be getting another pug.  Poppy, now about 15 weeks old, is actually a Digi’s niece.  Here is a photo of Poppy with her adoptive mom (French Bulldog) and one of her puppies.  Poppy, our pug, is in back sleeping.  Tamara, the breeder we are getting her from, took the photo.  And Poppy’s knees are perfectly healthy.  Tamara makes sure of that now.

Qi (energy) hugs


49 replies »

  1. So glad to see Miss Digi is on the mend. Will she be allowed to swim or get hydro-therapy? It worked a treat with the greyhounds we had in the past 🐾💜🐾


  2. Miss Digi seems to be doing wonderfully well…in spite of not quite following the doctor’s orders. Such a cutie. And another one on the way! Cee, I am so excited for you and Chris. This will be some kind of fun!


  3. Great to hear that Miss Digi is doing well. Naomi’s old terrier x Stacie had cruciate ligament surgery when she was about 10 years old and it was a battle to stop her from jumping as she was one of those ball chasing dogs so we can imagine the time you are having keeping Digi from jumping. A new doggie will be so much fun and they will keep each other fit playing together when Digi is completely healed.


    • Digi grew up with lots of pugs, french bulldogs and puppies. So she should really enjoy having a companion. She has to wait another few weeks though to heal thoroughly, 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I had so much trouble keeping Morrie down when he broke his hip and leg. i had to remove all furniture from the room and put up two metal gates so he could have an exercise area outside his “room” plus his own private outside bathroom suite! Hard on a fella. Get well soon, Ms. Digi.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations! I remember when our Norwich had cancer and had a big piece of her removed. She was supposed to rest. She was leaping straight up from the floor … like 6 feet … and that was IN the hospital. But she recovered and lived another 10 years! The magic CAN work.

    Liked by 3 people

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