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December 1 Time Square – New Years Eve Full Moon

Here is my entry for Becky’s Timesquares for December.  Her rules for the month are listed below.

I happened to take this photo on New Years Eve 2017, at nighttime, and with a full moon.

The December theme is TIME. I am sure everyone has found at least one #timesquare, but just in case you are struggling here are some #timesquare ideas;

  1. Timepieces – clocks, watches, sun dials and egg timers
  2. Sayings – Time & tide wait for no man (or woman!), A stitch in time saves nine, Early bird catches the worm, In the nick of time or More haste, less speed
  3. Synonyms – era, moment, season, infinity, interval, lifetime and age
  4. Out of the box – nighttime, downtime, pastime and mealtimes!

For the Love of Challenges

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


30 replies »

  1. I’ve had the issue of waiting for the cloud cover to clear to get the best moon shot…. but not often! 😉

    Well done with the contrasting branch. 🙂


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