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Weekly Prompt’s Challenge – Black

This post is in response to Weekly Prompt’s blog with the topic this week of Black.

Last week, Chris and I got a new car.  Mind you our old car was 15 years old.  We thought it was about time to join the new generation of cars with computers.  We got a 2019 Subaru Forester.  Here are a few photos I’ve taken of it.

Parked in our driveway

Side view of headlight

Front seats 

And I can see that I could have fun with reflections

We already have out iPhones connected – so much more to learn

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.Qi (energy) hugs


37 replies »

  1. What a stunning car! I can just see how much fun you and Chris are going to have driving around and you won’t get lost either. 😀 Mom and I just love those reflections. Great captures Cee! 😀


  2. We love our Forester. We have a white one because the heat in Texas is unbearable and that is magnified in a black car. Today in Houston, when we got in the car, it was 105 F.


    • We really wanted a colored one, but they only had white with black interior or gray with black interior. So we took the black with light gray interior. 😀 105 F is too hot.


  3. Congratulations to you! A friend of mine just got a new car–with all that computer ‘stuff’–we just sat in there pressing buttons and being amazed that we were SITTING IN A CAR! Have fun!


  4. They are reallly popular here too. I know a lot of people who have either Foresters or Outbacks. Very roomy for dogs too. A friend once sent me a photo of her brother’s car with five big dogs in the back.


  5. You’ll soon pick up everything about your new ‘technological’ car and I wish you loads of fun it. Thank you for joining GC and I on our Weekly Prompts challenge. 🙂


  6. congrats – and looks like you got a car that will easily last another 15 years – or double – Subarus are so nice


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