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Friendly Friday Photo Challenge – Abandoned

Here is my entry for Something to Ponder About Friendly Friday Photo Challenge with the topic of Abandoned.

Abandoned barn

Abandoned logging truck

Abandoned water heater

I’m putting together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) Hugs


20 replies »

  1. The first one is in such good shape for an abandoned barn. The other two have seen much better days. All interesting to look at, though, Cee. Thanks ever so much for joining in on the Friday photo challenge.


  2. the photography of the barn I like a lot, she speaks to me.
    I like old abandoned buildings that still have a lot to tell about their past, and I appreciate all the more when there are still objects; then the imagination is galloping
    The composition of your image is absolutely great and the ambient light gives very nice colors


  3. Great photos! Sad though to see them in this state when we know that they were really useful when we needed them 😦


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