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October 8 – Square&Lines & Sunday Stills Challenges: Giant Lily Pads

Here is my entry for Becky’s for #OctoberSquare challenge and her topic this month is #Lines&Squares.

Also, here  is my entry for Terri Webster Schrandt’s, Sunday Stills Challenge with the topic of #All Lined Up.

I adore these giant Lily Pads.  They grow from a seed each year and can get up to 40″ in diameter.  They are strong enough to hold a 40 pound child.


Here is what they look like on the underside.

And here is a close up of the giant lily underside.  This is one of my favorite photos that I’ve ever taken.

Per Becky: The theme is #lines&squares, and your lines can be long, short, straight or curvy. They can also be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, perpendicular or even zig zag.  There again perhaps you might prefer them intersecting, natural, singular or in stripes. As you may have gathered there are no line rules, as whatever your line everyone is welcome in square photographs!

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


34 replies »

  1. Beautiful images Cee, these lily pads are so amazing 🤗💖 xxx


  2. oh these are amazing . . what fabulous lines and your photographs are superb. I feel very honoured that one of your favourite shots has appeared in lines 🙂


  3. I can understand why you like the photo so much. What extraordinary leaves! I can’t believe they grow so big and hold so much. A wonder,indeed.


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