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On the Hunt for Joy Challenge: Week 4 – Sit in the Sunshine

The topic for this week is “Sit in the Sunshine”.  I think this topic is fairly easy to understand.

This is also my entry for Becky’s for challenge and her topic this month is ____ Light and don’t forget the square photo.

Tip from Ingrid Fetell Lee:  Sit in the Sunshine – Sunlight helps regulate your Circadian rhythm, giving you a natural energy boost. And it elevates serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that is critical in balancing mood. Americans spend up to 93% of their time indoors, so make sure to get out from under the office fluorescents for a least a few minutes each day. (Just don’t forget to wear suncreen!)

Feel free to use your photo archives and see what photos you have that fits the current week’s challenge, or even better yet grab you camera and take a new photo!  ENJOY and have FUN.

Upcoming Topics

  1. Get Outside – January 8, 2020
  2. Say Cheese – January 15, 2020
  3. Jump for Joy – January 22, 2020
  4. Sit in the Sunshine
  5. Count Chimneys
  6. Cheer Someone Else Up
  7. Make Yourself Feel Small
  8. Wear Bright Clothes on Tough Days
  9. Shop Your Home
  10. Put your Collections on Display

Create a CFFC Post

  1. Then add a link to your blog in my comment box.
  2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos and post, title your blog post “On the Hunt for Joy Challenge” tag.
  3. Remember to Follow My Blog to get your weekly reminders.

I usually will respond to your entry on your blog, rather than on my page.

Still have questions? Please contact me or see my On the Hunt For Joy Challenge page.

My entry for the week

This first photo needs a little explanation.  As most of you know I live in Oregon and our winter’s are all about rain and gray skies.  This year is particularly gray.  I don’t think we’ve had an entire of blue sky in two months.  Anyhow, this light shown below is creates a sunny window indoors because it mimics the full spectrum of light found in daylight.

These other photos I took while I was sitting outdoors.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs,


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Copyright notice © Cee Neuner (aka Christine R Neuner) and blog.  All content of this website is the sole property of Cee Neuner. Please contact the owner for use of any image or text from this website.