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Brian’s Last Photo on SD Card Challenge – Smallest Hail I’ve Ever Seen

Bushboy is asking us to share the very last photo on our SD cards for February 2020.  I have the last photo from my SD Card for my Sony a7III and from my iPhone, these photos I took yesterday so this is my second post for Brian’s challenge

We had a hail storm yesterday and it was so tiny you could barely see it.  It also rained, so it turned more into a slush than anything else.  I used to live in Denver, Colorado and we had hail the size of baseballs and softballs at times.  So the hail here in Oregon is always fun for us.

Sony a7III with my 200mm lens.


Roof of our shed

Taken with my iPhone 7.

Our car

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


13 replies »

  1. I’ve been having fun with my new iPhone, I must confess. The phone’s functionality is about the same, the price was ridiculous, but the camera is pretty darned good.


  2. Gentle hail is preferred Cee 🙂 I love temporary diamonds comment. Thanks for taking part in the challenge again Cee


  3. It looks like what they call ice pellets in Ontario. I’m not sure what the difference between ice pellets and hail is unless it’s just a size thing.


    • At least here, pellets are actually small snow balls. Hail is ice and it was hail with rain. I was out in it taking the daffodil photo.


      • In Ontario they use snow pellets for the tiny snow balls and ice pellets for small hail. I seem to think that when I lived in Saskatchewan there was ice crystals also. That was like ice snow flakes.


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