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Homegrown Harvest Photo Share challenge – Cabbage (Decorative)

Here is my entry for Homegrown Harvest Photo Share challenge with the topic of Cabbage.  This week I’ve chosen decorative cabbage photos.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


32 replies »

      • I must admit I get dizzy when faced with all the challenge possibilities so I usually just do the ones you do. So many people don’t give a link for where the prompt came from. Frustrating when you see a prompt you want to do but can’t find the source. You always give it, although I still get lost sometimes. I find the Square challenge really hard.. have to search every time for where to post my pingback. I must be succumbing to age.


        • Becky doesn’t use a consistent title. That’s what you are finding difficult. You can go to her blog and it’s usually the first one. During her challenges she usually on posts her daily square. Hopefully that helps you.


          • I don’t know why everyone doesn’t publish a link to the prompt they are writing to. It would make things so much easier. I see one I’d like to do and search and search. You are not guilty of this so don’t feel blamed. I think part of it is my locational dyslexia..I have trouble seeing things even in plain sight if I am looking for them. Get easily confused by directions. Some of the prompt sites are so confusing, it’s like reading a foreign language. Thanks for helping us with this with your list of prompts.


            • A lot of people don’t know how to add links. I get that question a lot. Glad you like the lists 😀 I know during this lock down we are all a little bit more disconnected than normal. So things that seem harder for us is more confusing. I’m like with the written word. Give me anything visual and I’m good.


  1. A great series! I was watching a Next Generation repeat yesterday and spotted them eating one of these leaves as an exotic-tasting space food.


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