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Jo’s Monday Walk & Lens-Artists Photo #94 – Walk in My Front Yard

Here is my entry for Lens-Artists Photo A Week Challenge with the topic of Home.  This is also my entry for Jo’s Monday Walk challenge.

I live on a corner lot and here is a view of our front yard from the side.

Geranium flower and buds.

Azalea bush growing wild.

Close-up of an Azalea in bloom.

Wisteria from our side yard.

Rhododendron bud which is in the side yard.

My front yard view. I love the roots on my maple tree.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


52 replies »

  1. Beautiful expression of spring in and around your yard. A wild Azalea eh? Wow, that’s pretty fun. The only sad part about flowers is that they don’t last longer. But I guess that teaches us appreciation, how to keep moving, to let go but also to hold on to what is beautiful. 😉 Thanks for sharing.


  2. Without my yard, I would be lost!!! I love yours; you must have good growing weather? I am on the coast and so somewhat limited, but still rhododendrons and azaleas grow well here. Roses have a really hard time with fungus, but they can grow.


    • I’m not a big rose fan. Just think Portland is known for its roses. I do live in a growing mecca for plants. We have a lot of nursery farms in the countryside. 😀


  3. Hi Cee, I found you on Jo’s Monday walk. Lovely photos as usual. I think we’ve talked about the fact that we’re both from Oregon – I so miss Azaleas, and Rhodendrens, your post brings back memories of my childhood back yard. Thanks for sharing.


  4. I guess I’ll have to return the favour and give you the tour of my patio and roof terrace. That’s all the outdoor space that I have, but we do have some beautiful scenery on the doorstep 🙂 🙂 Thanks so much for doing me the honour to link up. I’m very jealous of your burgeoning rhododendron. In my English garden we had several smaller ones and an azalea. I do miss them.


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