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Pull Up A Seat Photo Challenge 2020 Week #25

Here is my entry for XingfuMama’s Pull Up a Seat Photo Challenge.

Even at peony garden, there was social distancing was taken.

Even at a local garden center, there was social distancing in the furniture section.

Even at a local garden center, there was social distancing in the furniture section.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


11 replies »

    • When I need a break from photography or just want to people watch (years past). I take a seat and just enjoy. That part is a huge covered green house with big openings on the side. So birds fly around and the air is always fresh.
      Let me know when you go to the gardens, maybe I could join you. 😀


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